Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Hal Rock
Auma Obama

Reality Check: The two Obamas

Barack & Auma, the US President and his older sister

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley

Reality Check: Niger, Gaddafi and who cares anyway.

The shifting sands of this arid state, drought prone, Gaddafi sanctuary?

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley

Terror & fear return to the streets of Delhi

A powerful bomb outside the Indian High Court in Delhi causes death, destruction and fear; Karim El-Gawhary, whose new book on the Arab Spring is out, joins us in the studio.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Karim El Gawhary

The Superior Egyptian Gene

Karim El Gawhary's book 'Tagebuch der Arabischen Revolution' has just been published and it's a major page-turner.

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Momcilo Perisic

The Den Haag-Belgrade Connection

Reality Check: How atrocities in the Balkan killing fields were planned in Belgrade. A verdict in the trial of Momcilo Perisic.

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Angela Merkel

No Love from Home

Reality Check: Is Angela Merkel’s coalition running out of steam?

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley

Diehard 3-The Libyan Edition

Today on Reality Check: While a third Arab uprising starts a transitional phase, there are some who don't want to let go of Gaddafi.

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
teil eines diamantbesetzten spielzeuggewehrs

Fast and Furious FAIL

On today's Reality Check: An initiative to control the flow of illegal weapons across the US/Mexican border has backfired.

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
julius malema

Storms ahead for the "Rainbow Nation"

Reality Check: Julius Malema splits the ANC and Syria is looking ahead to a post-Assad era

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi

In England, it’s known as doing a 'runner'

Reality Check: Gaddafi family members flee to Algeria and the Austria Telekom corruption allegations

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi

"It is the tortured who turn into torturers"

Reality Check: Dealing with war crimes in Libya and the split in the Catholic Church in Austria.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
David Camerons Mund

Tough talk and empty rhetoric

When the going gets tough, the politicans get.... talking.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
libysche Flagge

A new beginning?

Reality Check: Libya's Transitional National Council moves to Tripoli, and the 5th prime minister in 5 years resigns in Japan.

Afrikanisches Kind

The plight of 12 million

Reality Check: The number of people in East Africa who face starvation:12 million. The number of people in the world caught in the legal limbo of statelessness: 12 million.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Libya - a conflict like no other

Reality Check: The situation on the streets in Tripoli and the next steps for finding Gaddafi

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Saif-al-Islam Gaddafi

Be careful what you believe

Reality Check: Confusion and conflict continue in the Libyan capital

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley

Gaddafi's last stand?

Reality Check: After 42 years is this the end for Gaddafi?

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Verletzter auf Trage

A bloody Friday in Kabul

Reality Check: Suicide attack in Kabul and tragedy at the Pukkelpop festival in Belgium

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Boris Jelzin

Vodka politics and the end of the Soviet Union

Reality Check: 20 years since the break-up of the Soviet Union and India's new Gandhi scores points in his anti-corruption campaign

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Rick perry

Rick Perry - a new voice or history repeating?

Reality Check on Rick Perry, republican governor or Texas, and the plans to impose new regulations on the eurozone countries