Standort: / Meldung: "The plight of 12 million"

25. 8. 2011 - 13:32

The plight of 12 million

Reality Check: The number of people in East Africa who face starvation:12 million. The number of people in the world caught in the legal limbo of statelessness: 12 million.


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The ORF is dedicating a series of programmes across its outlets today to the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa.

Nachbar in Not in Afrika


The disaster has already killed tens of thousands of people. We've heard the horrendous stories of people having to walk for days or even weeks to reach the refugee complex in Dabaab in northern Kenya. It's the world's largest refugee camp, currently providing shelter for more than 400,000 people. The Nachbar in Not campaign is calling for donations to help. Joanna Bostock spoke to Anna Ridout from the international aid organisation Oxfam, which has launched its largest ever emergency appeal:

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On a different, but not unrelated front, the UN refugee agency has just launched global campaign to promote action against statelessness, a scourge for millions of people worldwide. Being stateless often means being discriminated against, like being denied the right to employment, education, housing and health care. But how does someone become stateless? How do you tackle the problem? Elizabeth Alcock spoke to the UNCHR's Adrian Edwards:

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FM4 Reality Check

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