Standort: / Meldung: "Be careful what you believe"

Steve Crilley

God, what's happening in the world! A reality check on the web.

23. 8. 2011 - 14:11

Be careful what you believe

Reality Check: Confusion and conflict continue in the Libyan capital

Claims of capture exaggerated

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Just when some of us were marveling at the lightning speed of the rebels’ advance into Tripoli, it’s time to put the brakes on as reality bites. Gaddafi’s heir apparent, Saif al Islam, suddenly turns up where most of the international journalists are staying, and proves that the rebels’ claims of his capture were somewhat exaggerated.

If that wasn’t bizarre enough he said that the clashes we are now seeing were all part of a plan to lure the rebel forces into a trap in the city. If that was the battle-plan it is certainly quite an extraordinary one and if all sounds slightly fanciful to David Hartwell one of guests on Reality Check today.

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An "almighty fight" is underway

What is more likely to have occurred is this. In poorer parts of Tripoli to the east, where the first convoys of rebel forces arrived, they were largely welcomed; any resistance here was always likely to be minimal anyway. In the heart of the city things are a little more tricky, and according to eye-witnesses, including international journalists, there is “an almighty fight” taking place.

Gaddafi's rule collapsing, but it may still take time

The real worry for rebel forces is that we will start to witness a long drawn out battle, as opposing forces try to consolidate their wins in different parts of the city. Picture this nightmare scenario; snipers taking up position on rooftops picking off targets and then melting back into the shadows of alleyways, something akin to the battles in the early stages of the war in Iraq. If NATO were to get further involved in this kind of conflict, the risk of collateral damage would be extremely high. Another of our guests Rosemary Hollis told me today, “Gaddafi’s days are numbered, his rule is collapsing but we should be very wary of predicting any quick finish to this”.

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