Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs remembered

Reality Check: The career and legacy of Steve Jobs, Afghanistan-India security pact, "Delete - the virtue of forgetting in the digital age", Cleaners to help anti-doping at London Olympics.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Occupy Wall Street

US Media finally notice the "Occupy Wall Street" movement

Reality Check: Greece 24 hour strikes, Syria's protests making ground slowly, Occupy Wall Street ignored in media, Bulgaria anti-Roma protests, Apple's super hype i-phone.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
amada Knox

The end of the Amanda Knox saga?

Reality Check: Amanda Knox released, the bank for those without a bank account, jailed Egyptian blogger, Austria and bank secrecy, one year since Hungarian toxic sludge disaster

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

The EUROundabout that keeps on turning

Reality Check: Greece to miss deficit target, Occupy Wall Street, Haqqani network, Haiti update, Equador's Yasuni National Park protection plan.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
pirates of the caribbean

The real trauma of a pirate attack

Reality Check: Piracy victims support, parliamentary committee to investigate scandals, Burma halts dam construction, Sekem, life on other planets

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
martin mcguinness

Ireland's presidential hopefuls

Reality Check: Transaction tax proposals, severed heads found at Mexican primary school, US terror plot, Irish presidential race, positive computer games

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
zwei maenner schieben ein rad auf ueberfluteter strasse

UN squabbles over sanctions against Syria

Reality Check: Syria, Girls Only radio in Egypt, the Inseratenaffäre, flood management in India, the environmental cost of biofuels.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Website der Radiostation

Radio, what's new?

Egyptian girls love you.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

The dangers of drones

Reality Check: US uses more drone power, police consider legal action against AnonAustria, OECD report on jobs, EU through Asian eyes, Barbara Prammer's autobiography

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Vladimir Putin

What's Old is New Again

Reality Check: Putin - the Comeback Kid, The Arctic Sea Ice Puddle, Saudi Women Can Vote, Wangari Maathi Passes Away, and Kenyan Agriculture Evolves Further.

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Rollstuhl, Beine der darin sitzenden Person

Ordinary Superheroes in Eastern Europe

Today's Reality Check Special: in a region which has yet to fully shake off the legacy of communism and conflict, ordinary people with simple but innovative ideas are affecting extraordinary change.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Protestierende gegen die Todesstrafe für Troy Davis

Reality Check: Controversy All Around

The execution of Troy Davis, Ahmedinejad in NYC, the Pope in Germany, Facebook woes, and a quest for a car-free future.

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Troy Davis

Reality Check: Troy Davis.

A controversial death penalty case from the US state of Georgia.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Proteste Jemen

The staying power of Yemen's Saleh

Reality Check: The complexities of the conflict in Yemen, Middle East developments, US tax on the rich,, Author Peter Goldsworthy

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Mahmoud Abbas

Middle East showdown

Reality Check: Abbas pushes on for Palestinian statehood, blow to Merkel in Berlin elections, Maria Fekter puts her foot in it, landgrabbing in Ethiopia, the fate of UK festivals

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

EU Finance Ministers "panic stricken to the point of paralysis"

Reality Check: The Euro crisis gets deeper every day, Scheibner money laundering allegations, Denmark's new government, land grabbing and the world food shortage

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

40 years of saving the world

Reality Check: Greenpeace at 40, prospects for UN recognition of Palestine, London's weapons exhibition, SOS Mitmensch initiative "Wir sind keine Fremden"

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Wen Jioabo

The motives behind China's interest in the Euro

Reality Check: China and the Euro, record US Poverty levels, call for ICC to prosecute the Pope, SENSE, Canada as the computer games capital

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Turkey as a model of Islamic democracy?

Reality Check: Erdogan in Cairo, war crimes by Libyan rebels, Greek financial crisis, Berlusconi avoids court questions, the ANC power struggle in South Africa.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Alexander Livinenko

Warming up the chill in the Moscow air

Reality Check: David Cameron in Moscow, latest from Libya, Israeli social protests, UK slavery case, 6 months since Fukoshima