Standort: / Autorenbereich von Kate Farmer

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

Ex-Präsident Ägyptens Mohammed Mursi

Morsi: more powerful as a martyr than alive?

Reality Check: Morsi gets death sentence, IS takes Ramadi, Macedonia protests, Democracy in Decline

John Malkovich

Meeting John Malkovich

A Reality Check Special in the company of actor, director and fashion designer, John Malkovich.

Statue mit Schwert

Sweeping history under the Turkish carpet?

Reality Check: "Genocide" diplomatic row, Egypt and its neighbours, terror attacks on France, measles, probabilistic computing

Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer

People smuggling: "a symptom, not a cause"

Reality Check: EU plans for migrants in the Mediterranean, opinions from migrants' memorial, FBI hair matching scandal, Morsi sentenced, Grandparents for asylum seekers in Denmark

Royal Air Force Typhoon

"A dangerous game"

Reality Check: Russian planes and NATO defences, Yael Bartana, Google and the EU, Keep it in the Ground, Divest Harvard

Human Rights Watch Broschüre

Banning the 'bots

Reality Check: call to ban killer robots, Migrant Offshore Aid Station, Hillary's campaign launch, Auschwitz orchestra, Turkey and the Pope


History in the making in Panama

Reality Check: Cuba talks at Summit of the Americas, closure of Tatar TV in Crimea, Hillary enters the race, the Cuban economy, restart of the large hadron collider

max schrems

Facebook case could be "riesengroß"

Reality Check: Facebook class action case, Yemen crisis, Le Pen family feud, Air Shepherd

Iran feiert auf den Straßen nach dem Atom-Rahmenabkommen

"A historic understanding"

Reality Check: Iran deal, Kenya university attack, Minsk 2 update

Feuer in Aden

Yemen: Have the Houthis gone too far?

Reality Check: The battle for Aden, Islamic State fighting in Yarmouk camp, who is Ted Cruz

Gedenkstein mit Schattensilhuette

Depression, suicide and the Germanwings crash

Reality Check: Suicide and depression, Spanish protest laws, Trevor Noah

Hand von Lubitz

"The ultimate nightmare scenario"

Reality Check: Flight security measures, the campaign for Tikrit, Nigeria's presidential election, Google research, "Better Shelter"


Questions over cockpit security

Reality Check: Germanwings - cockpit security, UK election, Saudi airstrikes on Yemen, Finnish education system

Tsipras hand an merkels Ellbogen

Tsipras and Merkel break the ice

Reality Check: Tsipras-Merkel talks, US-Afghan relations, Austria and smoking, Albie Sachs, being bilingual.

Lee Kuan Yew

Singapore mourns its founding father

Reality Check: Singapore mourns, France and the far right, Yemen, Ebola

Benjamin Netanjahu

Israel: the result no-one expected

Reality Check: Israeli election results, Srebrenica arrests, Frankfurt Blockupy protests, Ceurabics.

Isaac Herzog, Oppositionspolitiker in Israel

Bye bye, Bibi?

Reality Check: Israeli elections, subsidiary protection, Iran talks, Brazil protests, Elton John vs. D&G

Afghanische Frau vor einem Plakat

Letter to Iran is a US "domestic politics game"

Reality Check: Letter to Iran, Hillary's e-mail, Venezuela politics and people, Afghan Women's Network

Libysches Ölfeld

Libya "has moved beyond" civil war

Reality Check: Libya IS kidnappings, reporting on Syria, Ukraine troop pullback, EU army, Mising Image Ruth Beckermann

Giannis Varoufakis

Greece and its tourist tax inspector plan

Reality Check: Greece referendum threat, migrants in the Med, Nemtsov arrests, elephants in the circus, Solar Impulse 2.

Storys von Kate Farmer