Erstellt am: 10. 4. 2015 - 14:07 Uhr
History in the making in Panama
Landmark events at the Summit of the Americas

The US and Cuba are holding the highest level meetings in over 50 years at the Summit of the Americas in Panama.
The US has promised to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism in the latest move in the warming of relations between the two countries.
US political commentator, James Boys, looks at the key points in the the White House's changing policy towards Havana.
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Tatar TV closed down
The only Crimean TV station to broadcast in Tatar, Ukranian and Russian, has gone off the air after authorities rejected its applications to re-register. Yulia Gorbunova of Human Rights Watch explains why this is part of a larger Russian plan to silence opposition in Crimea.
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Hillary's bid for the presidency
Hillary Clinton is expected to formally launch her presidential campaign this weekend, on what will be her second bid for the Democratic nomination.
She has unrivalled experience, impressive qualifications and is a great debater - but will that be enough to sway the "anti-Clinton" left wingers who find both Clintons too moderate.
James Boys, author of "Clinton's Grand Strategy", assesses her chances of becoming the first woman president of the USA.
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The Cuban Economy
As relations between Cuba and the US continue to warm, Dr Emily Morris of the Cuba Research Network looks at the state of the Cuban economy.
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Large Hadron Collider restart
CERN's large hadron collider is back in operation again for the first time since 2013, having been updated.
Wolfgang Adam, a physicist with the Austrian Institute for High Energy Physics working at CERN, explains to Joanna Bostock what this means for the project, and the key areas the scientists will now be researching.
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