Erstellt am: 27. 3. 2015 - 15:03 Uhr
"The ultimate nightmare scenario"
Flight security
As airlines consider measures to avoid a repeat of the Germanwings tragedy, David Learmount of Flightglobal considers the viability of some of the measures under discussion.

He says that while all sorts of measures are technically possible, there is always a trade-off between keeping hijackers out of the cockpit, while letting personnel in, and the risk of a hijacker or terrorist is the greater than the risk of an unstable pilot.
While there are measures airlines can take to minimise the risks, there can never be a guarantee against "the ultimate nightmare scenario".
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The campaign to recapture Tikrit
The mix of Iran backed Shia militias, Iraqi forces and US airstrikes is a complex one - and the success of the campaign is vital to defeating Islamic State/Daesh. Samuel Schubert of Webster University gives his analysis of the situation on the ground.
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Nigeria's presidential election
Nigerians vote tomorrow in what is being seen as a "two horse race". Although 14 names will be on the ballot, only the incumbent, Goodluck Jonathan and the former military ruler, Muhammadu Buhari, are thought to be serious contenders. Richard Dowden of the Royal African Society gives his analysis.
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Google Research
The Director of Research at Google, Peter Norvig, who will be appearing at the Logic Lounge in Vienna this evening, explains the inner workings of Google, and how the company is striving to improve.
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"Better shelter"

Better Shelter
Most refugee camps are based on tents, but a new design based on flat pack furniture could be cheaper, more durable, and offer better protection.
The IKEA Foundation's Head of Communications and Strategic planning Jonathan Spampinato explains the principles of the "Better Shelter" method of producing refugee shelters.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or