Erstellt am: 13. 4. 2015 - 14:57 Uhr
Banning the 'bots

Human RIghts Watch
"Killer Robots"
Human Rights Watch is calling for a ban on lethal autonomous weapons, also known as "killer robots", before they can be fully developed.
The highly controversial issue is the subject of an international conference at the United Nations in Geneva today.
Riem Higazi looks at some of the views on the controversial weapons, and the concerns raised by the HRW report, "Mind the Gap".
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Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS)
The joint project between Doctors Without Borders and MOAS to provide help for migrants in distress in the Mediterranean.
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Hillary's campaign launch
Following the video launch of Hillary Clinton's campaign to become the Democrat's nomination for the presidential election next year, the former Secretary of State is heading for Iowa today.
In 2008, she was expecting to win the Iowa caucus easily, but she was defeated by the up-and-coming Barack Obama. Will it be a different story this time?
Priscilla Huff reports from Washington DC on how Hillary's chances look, and what she will have to do to win over the "Clinton sceptics".
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The Auschwitz Orchestra
90-year-old Anita Lasker-Wallfisch was a prisoner in Auschwitz concentration camp who believes her life was spared because she was chosen to play cello in the camp's orchestra. She talks to Rosie Waites.
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Turkey, the Pope, and the Kardashians"

Turkey has recalled its envoy to the Vatican after Pope Francis referred to the mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman forces in 1915 as "genocide".
In the meantime, Kim and Khloe Kardashian are in Armenia piling on the publicity for the movement to have the killing of Armenians by Ottoman forces in WW1 officially recognised as genocide.
Dorian Jones reports from Turkey on why, a century later, this is still such a sensitive issue, and why Ankara is determined to fight this diplomatic battle to the end.
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