Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins

Worked to Death?

A report suggest dozens of poor migrant workers die every month as Qatar prepares for its World Cup party

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock

Ending the Syria Deadlock

Reality Check: US & Russia agree on a Syria resolution; Austrian election campaign; Qatar slave labour report; the "White Widow"; crossing Canada by train.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi

Alternative Behaviour

Reality Check: The new Iranian President tweets and talks calmly, Chinese elites have trouble with accountability, alternative Nobel Prizes are handed out, Greeks want to 'crush the Nazis', and the European bison is back baby!

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

From Pussy Riot to Greenpeace

Reality Check: Greenpeace activists charged with piracy, the parliamentary "Klub", a day in the life of a weapons inspector, sexual jihad, the TV debates

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Banning the Brotherhood

Reality Check: Muslim Brotherhood activities banned in Egypt, Iran talks at the United Nations Pass egal Wahl, conflicting images of Mexico, Kalle Lasn and why global economy never learns.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Angela Merkel

Merkel set to beat Thatcher's record

Reality Check: German election results, poverty and disability, Al Shabab attack in Kenya, "Poking Florian"

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Syrian rebels' flag

"Stalemate" in Syria

Reality Check: neither side can win in Syria, German elections, Russia seizes Greenpeace ship, Gaddafi's son on trial, the tyranny of choice

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Demonstration in Griechenland, Polizei

Gathering clouds for Golden Dawn

Reality Check: Violent protests in Greece, clashes between opposition factions in Syria, Iran's President Rouhani says Iran will never build nuclear arms, France bans child beauty pageants, RadPublik

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Who votes for whom?

Reality Check: Austria's voters, Pope Francis - the first 6 months, Brazil cancells state visit to USA, exorcism today, second screen.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Proteste in Kambodscha

Cambodia's cautious protests

Reality Check: Cambodia protests, women in Afghanistan, UN resolution on Syria, telling stories in pictures, Donald Ray Pollock

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Costa Concordia

Floating the Costa Concordia

Reality Check: Raising the Costa Concordia, Bavaria election, Syria chemical weapons, Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Super Cycling Man.

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
Die Schnauze einer Kuh und ein Mikrophon

Water Wars In Tyrol

The grey areas of the green energy revolution.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Taliban office..."a huge catastrophe"

Reality Check: Attack on US consulate in Afghanistan,, Russia's view on Syria, developing the Kaunertal, cycling and immigration.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Straßenzug in Katalonien

The devil in the detail

Reality Check: the practical problems in disarming Syria, Catalonia independence movement, Egypt's continuing crisis, London international arms fair, Next Generation News

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Give diplomacy an(other) chance

Reality Check: Obama back down on Syria, government ministries and the civil service, new protests in Turkey, model plane bomb in Germany, Martin Habacher

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Russia to the rescue?

Reality Check: Syria and the surrender of chemical weapons, Iran's new presidents, the job of a government minister, Frauen Power auf Arabisch, Sigrid Selva's Norway.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Wahlplakat Russland

Turning the Putin tide

Reality Check: Russian mayoral elections, Obama and Syria, Norway elections, Aga Khan awards, Weibo words

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Logo der NSA

"Undermining the fabric of the internet"

Reality Check: Internet encryption cracked by NSA, the future of the Social Partnership.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
G20 Gipfel in Russland

A War of Words

Reality Check: Syria is set to dominate the G20 Summit starting in St. Petersburg today while the UNHCR needs less talk and more money for Syria's 2 million refugees.

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Syrischer Flüchtling

Syrian Refugee Camp

Reality Check: visiting Syrian refugees in Jordan; the changing landscape of Austrian political parties.