Erstellt am: 27. 9. 2013 - 14:10 Uhr
Ending the Syria Deadlock
Syria Breakthrough

EPA Jason Szenes
The United States and Russia have agreed on the wording of a United Nations Security Council resolution on Syria. The deal ends weeks of diplomatic deadlock. The draft resolution demands that Syria give up its chemical weapons, but does not threaten military force if it fails to comply. How big a step forward is this and what are the next steps?
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General Election
The countdown to the general election can be measured in hours rather than days. The final TV debate has been held, most of the parties will be wrapping up their campaigns this evening. Eric Frey from der Standard gives us his take on the highs and lows of the past weeks and how they might affect the headlines on Sunday evening:
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Slave Labour in Qatar?
Pete Pattisson is a widely-published journalist who investigates abusive working conditions. His most recent projecT uncovered evidence of “appalling” abuses of Nepalese migrant workers in Qatar, which is preparing to host the 2022 World Cup. “The overall picture is of one of the richest nations exploiting one of the poorest to get ready for the world's most popular sporting tournament.”
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The White Widow
A British woman has been mentioned as a possible suspect in the attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi last weekend. 29 year old Samantha Lewthwaite is the widow of one of the suicide bombers who attacked London's transport system in 2005. At Kenya’s request, Interpol has issued a wanted persons alert for Lewthwaite relating to a 2011 plot. It’s a matter of speculation whether she did indeed play a role in the Westgate attack, but just who is the woman known as the “White Widow?”
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Big Country
Canada is the world’s second largest country by total area. It takes a long time to travel from one coast to the other by train, but that is what our intrepid reporter, Johnny Bliss has done. To preview our Saturday Reality Check Special tomorrow, we hear from some of his fellow passengers what it’s like to experience Canada by rail.
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