Standort: / Meldung: ""Undermining the fabric of the internet""

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

6. 9. 2013 - 14:09

"Undermining the fabric of the internet"

Reality Check: Internet encryption cracked by NSA, the future of the Social Partnership.

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Graham Cluley-1


"This is bad news for everybody" says computer security expert, Graham Cluley

According to the Guardian Newspaper, the US National Security Agency & its British counterpart, GCHQ, have unlocked much of the commonly used online encryption.

Encryption protects internet users' personal data, online transactions and emails.

It's reported that covert methods were used to break down internet security, including a programme costing $250m a year. That programme works with technology companies and internet service providers to insert weaknesses into their product designs.

Graham Cluley tells Steve Crilley about his reaction to the revelations.

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The social partnership

One of the issues touched on in last night's TV debate between Chancellor Werner Faymann of the SPÖ and Frank Stronach was Austria's Sozialpartnerschaft. It's an almost unique set up, under which the representatives of industry and labour are involved in negotiations on certain policies.

Professor Emmerich Talos from the department of government at Vienna University looks at the current status of the social partnership, and its importance for the future, with Joanna Bostock.

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