Reality Check: Bush fires could run out of control in New South Wales, Cyprus talks, JP Morgan facing record fine, Jeremy Scahill on the secret operations of JSOC
Reality Check: the Norway-Somalia connection, Austrian help for chemical weapons inpectors, Libya two years on, privatising security, how sleep washes the brain
Realtiy check: Libyan prime minister seized, US stops military aid to Egypt, Greenpeace developments in Russia, black carbon, bubonic plague in Madagascar
Reality Check: Chemical weapons being destroyed in Syria, the importance of 6th October to Egyptians, US commando raids in Africa, Greece's social collapse, black stereotypes
Reality Check: Turkey reforms, UK debates leaving European Convention on Human Rights, US shutdown, corruption in education, Peter Morgan on Tony Blair
Reality Check: Greenpeace activists charged with piracy, the parliamentary "Klub", a day in the life of a weapons inspector, sexual jihad, the TV debates
Reality Check: Muslim Brotherhood activities banned in Egypt, Iran talks at the United Nations Pass egal Wahl, conflicting images of Mexico, Kalle Lasn and why global economy never learns.