Standort: / Meldung: "Stemming the tide - EU migration"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

8. 10. 2013 - 14:50

Stemming the tide - EU migration

Reality Check: EU migration, Moldova, Iraq, Nobel Prize for Physics, malaria vaccine

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Following the Lampedusa tragedy, EU interior ministers are meeting today to discuss how to handle the flow of migrants to Europe.

Lampedusa divers


Divers in Lampedusa continue to salvage bodies from the shipwreck

Migration expert, Sergio Carrera explains some of the options open to them.

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Chris Cummins

The former Soviet state has been slow to catch up with the rest of Europe.


Moldova, the poorest and least visited country in Europe, is at a crossroads.

Diana Raileanu of Radio Free Europe tells Chris Cummins why during his visit to the country with the Austrian Development Agency.

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Iraq's crumbling security

Iraq is once again seeing a sharp increase in sectarian violence, with nearly 6,000 deaths this year - by far the highest number since the aftermath of the troop surge in 2008.Shashank Joshi gives his analysis of where the country is now, and where it is going.

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Higgs Boson scientists win Nobel Prize for Physics

Nobel prize for physics


This year's Nobel Phyics prize has been awarded to - Britain's Peter Higgs and Belgium's Francois Englert for predicting the existence of the Higgs Boson.

Austria is a member of CERN, and the Institute for High Energy Physics in Vienna is involved in the research. Joanna Bostock called deputy director Manfred Krammer to get his reaction

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Malaria vaccine

A new malaria vaccine has been found - but will just be a safety measure for western travellers or will it really help the millions of affected people in Africa? Andy Coghlan from New Scientist explains why the new vaccine is special on many levels.

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