Standort: / Meldung: "Hitting the debt ceiling"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

9. 10. 2013 - 14:21

Hitting the debt ceiling

Reality Check: US debt ceiling and new head of Federal Reserve, gold mining in Romania, EU migration, giant hornet attacks in China

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President Obama is accusing the Republicans of using "extortion" in their unwillingness to negotiate over the raising of the debt ceiling. Steven Hill explains the significance of the debt ceiling, and what the wider implications of a US default could be.

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He also discusses the appointment of Janet Yellen as head of the Federal Reserve, to take over from Ben Bernanke, who has been in charge for the last 8 years.

Janet Yellen


If approved, Janet Yellen will be the first woman to head the Federal Reserve, but she is unlikely to make the changes many analysts feel are necessary.

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Gold mining in Romania

A planned open cast gold mine is stirring up controversy in Romania. Activist Irine Fronescu explains why she is opposed to the scheme.

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EU migration

As the President of the Europen Commission, José Manuel Barroso, travels to Lampedusa to meet survivors of the shipwreck, Sandra Gathmann reports from Brussels on the planned measures to combat the migration problem, and their chances of success.

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Giant hornets

A wave of giant hornet attacks in China have lead to dozens of deaths and over a thousand serious injuries.


creative commons

While normally peaceful, hornets can attack viciously when disturbed

Insect expert, Philip Howes, explains the creatures and their pros and cons.

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