Standort: / Meldung: "Facebook "has got a real problem""

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

22. 10. 2013 - 13:55

Facebook "has got a real problem"

Reality Check: Facebook lifts ban on decapitation videos, mobile frequences auction, Syria peace talks, Czech elections, human trafficking

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"Facebook are acting as regulators" according to media expert Charlie Beckett, and it's going to be almost impossible for them to police their own rules.



It's emerged that, in a controversial move, Facebook has reversed it's ban on violent videos, including those showing decapitation, as long as they are posted in a context that does not glorify them.

Facebook says the move is in the interests of free speech, but many people are worried about children being exposed to such images. Media analyst, Charlie Beckett, gives his reaction to the decision and the dilemma Facebook finds itself in.

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Mobile network frequencies auction

Daniel Sokolov from gives his analysis of yesterday's auction of mobile network frequencies, that yielded nearly four times times the minimum bid.

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Syria talks

Preparatory talks begin in London today with a view to bringing all sides together for the much anticipated Geneva 2 peace talks next month, but is there any realistic chance of all the different opposition factions coming on board?

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Czech elections

Just days before the early general election, artist David Cerny has installed his comment on the current presidency.

David Cerny artwork

EPA/Filip Singer

Rob Cameron reports from Prague on the mood ahead of the elections.

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Lampedusa and people trafficking

Following the memorial service for the victims of the Lampedusa shipwreck, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro of the OSCE talks to John Cummins about the issue of people trafficking and smuggling.

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