Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Mohammed Mursi, Präsident von Ägypten, als Pharao

The rise and possible fall of Mohammed Morsi

Reality Check: Egypt, EU summit, Traiskirchen protests, Uganda cycling trip

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Palästinenser am Gaza-Streifen jubeln

"The big winners are Egypt and Hamas"

Reality Check: Gaza truce, Guy Delisle, DR Congo, EU Budget, Strasshof Concentration Camp

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Schild mit Aufschrift "Gaza"

What it will take for a truce

Reality Check: What Hamas needs for a truce, a green renaissance, alternative economic solutions, vote against women bishops, pot politics.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Iron Dome

Game changer "Iron Dome"

Reality Check: Israel and the Iron Dome, an Egyptian in Jerusalem, Children's Rights Day, Nigerian environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey, the hippos of Uganda

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
Bub aus Uganda

Ugandan Diary Part 3 - Into the Luwero Triangle

Charming but deeply scarred - Uganda struggles to prevent another lost generation.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Egypt: the only mediator for Gaza and Israel

Reality Check: Gaza-Israel, Romanian elections, Obama in Myanmar, fiscal cliff, "legal highs"

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
Kind in Uganda

Ugandan Diary Part 2 - From Jinga to Kayunga

A dramatic cloud burst, a live concert and the best tea in the world - and a look at my white tights!

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Dangerous developments in Gaza

Reality Check: Gaza, Eurofighter scandal, BP gets record fine for Deepwater Horizon disaster, US-Russia relations, Next Door Family

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

The Many Aspects of the Middle East crisis

Realitc Check: Rocket strikes in Middle East, China's new politburo, the FBI's e-mail scandal, Chavs

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Fahnen und Generalstreik

More strikes, but will the policy makers listen?

Reality Check: Anti-austerity strikes, the Chinese view of China, General Petraeus scandal, Newsweek and the future of journalism, the role of women in West Africa

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Jean Claude Juncker umarmt Politiker

Money and Manoeuvres

Reality Check: two more years for Greece and the US considers how to approach Syria; PLUS: operating a hospital in current-day Syria, intervention in Mali, and school-daze in Austria

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Der neue syrische Oppositionsführer Ahmad Mouaz Al-Khatib

Syrian Opposition 2.0

Reality Check: Syrian opposition groups forge coalition; US & Middle East policy; Petraeus scandal; BBC shambles; "The Office" on stage

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Patriot missiles for Turkey?

Reality Check: NATO considers missiles for Turkey, Holocaust education, Argentina protests, former political prisoners in Albania, TEDx

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Hammer und Sichel-Zeichen

Change in China, but only in name

Reality Check: power handover in China, US and terrorism, Monique Coleman, Requiem for Auschwitz

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Obama grinsend

Election Reality Check

Reports, comments, analysis and a little bit of acoustic fun...

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Obama winkend

Four More Years

Finally, Democrats have got what they had been dreaming of: a second term for President Obama.

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock


Reality Check: election day in the United States; strikes in Greece; Israeli military commanders on trial in Turkey; a women's market in Ivory Coast.

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
eine Uhr, wo die Zeiger fünf vor zwölf anzeigen

The Final Countdown

A few apples, a pen, a bit of paper and a calculator. Getting ready for the big election night in Washington.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

The race to the line

Reality Check: US elections, Sandy's trail of devastation in Haiti, Austria's first satellite, same sex adoptions

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Mitt Romney

Mitt & Pennsylvania

The poll of polls has been released. Is Mitt Romney about to pull off a very unconventional win?