Erstellt am: 23. 11. 2012 - 14:38 Uhr
The rise and possible fall of Mohammed Morsi
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One day after Egyptian President, Mohammed Morsi, was being hailed as the world's darling after mediating the truce between Hamas and Israel, he has passed a decree which opposition leader and former head of the IAEA, Mohammed El Baradei, says makes him "Egypt's new pharaoh".
Karim El Gawhary reports from Cairo on how Morsi is dividing the country...
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And Middle East analyst and writer, Rime Allaf, gives her analysis of the international perspective.
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EU Summit
The talk is of it being a "3 shirter" - that is to say that the EU Budget Summit will run over its allotted 2 days, and the leaders will need an extra clean shirt.
It's all about how much the EU will need to spend in the years from 2014 to 2020, and they are talking about a trillion Euros. That sounds like a lot of money, but when you divide it back across the number of years and the number of countries involved, its actually quite modest - especially compared to domestic spending by the member states.
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, went into the talks predicting that agreement won't be reached. That's entirely possible. In fact, they don't have to agree at this point - they still have until February to reach a deal.
On a lighter note, and talking about shirts, while looking for photos of the EU leaders, I came across the "family photo" from the ASEAN summit last week.
Compare that to the EU "family photo".
I can't help feeling that the EU could only help its appeal to its citizens if it put a little colour into its summits. Maybe different coloured shirts for the different days?
Vanessa Mock reports on the EU Budget Summit that many people say is unlikely to reach an agreement.
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Traiskirchen protest
Asylum seekers are marching from Traiskirchen to Vienna tomorrow to protest against conditions at the overcrowded centre.
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Uganda - "...every child deserves a chance."
Chris Cummins talks to a primary school teacher in Uganda about the importance of education in creating a better world.
Don't miss tomorrow's Reality Check Saturday Special on Uganda, and Chris Cummins's remarkable cycling trip to raise funds for a school development project.
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