Erstellt am: 7. 11. 2012 - 15:51 Uhr
Election Reality Check

EPA/Shawn Thew
Today's show started off by checking in with our man in Washington, Steve Crilley, who has been up to his eyebrows in election fever:
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Professor Reinhard Heinisch is head of the department of politics at Salzburg University, and spent 23 years in the United States. We got his reaction to the outcome and how it might affect American policy-making in the coming months:
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Allan Lichtman from the American University in Washington, DC, gave us his thoughts on what it means for the Republicans:
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Shashank Joshi, research fellow at the UK think tank Royal United Services Institute, provided some insight on how Obama's re-election will impact some of the major international issues of the day:
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And Riem Higazi dipped into the sound files and conjured up a delicious acoustic dessert to round off our election menu:
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