Standort: / Meldung: "Money and Manoeuvres"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

13. 11. 2012 - 14:04

Money and Manoeuvres

Reality Check: two more years for Greece and the US considers how to approach Syria; PLUS: operating a hospital in current-day Syria, intervention in Mali, and school-daze in Austria

EU Etiquette


Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras (L) is greeted by the President of the Euro group, Luxembourg's Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker next to European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi (R) at the start of a Eurogroup finance ministers meeting in Brussels yesterday.

Eurozone ministers have agreed to give Greece two more years to meet its deficit-reduction targets but at the same time the finance ministers delayed a decision on releasing the latest 31.5bn euro tranche of bailout funds. All this is being decided while Greece faces a repayment deadline for 5bn euros of debt on Friday. Which is why Greece is expected to make an urgent bid to raise funds from the financial markets today. Always a reliable guide through the EU/Greece Mess is FM4 Brussels correspondent Vanessa Mock...

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US/Syria Relations

With the US election over and Syria's civil war growing bloodier and spreading day-to-day, the Obama administration is re-examining its options for involvement in the conflict.The United States has in the past indicated it was considering a range of possible measures over Syria, including a no-fly zone. Fred Wehrey from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington DC, has some very rare insights when it comes to "no-fly zones"...

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MSF in Syria


Dr. Tankred Stöbe truly goes above and beyond when it comes to fulfilling his Hippocratic Oath. Check out his incredible story of what it is like to try to bring medical attention to those who so badly need it in current-day Syria...

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Intervention in Mali?

The African Union's Peace and Security Council will meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, today, to discuss a military blueprint for the African-led international force in Mali. This comes after West African leaders gathered for an emergency summit in the Nigerian capital last Sunday to plot a military strategy seeking to wrest back control of northern Mali from Islamist groups. Mali is definitely in turmoil but will intervention be beneficial to its plight and if so, what sort of intervention?
Reality Check's John Cummins reports...

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School-Daze in Austria

The debate over the introduction of 'Ganztagsschulen' in Austria continues as the ÖVP and SPÖ try to define what exactly a Ganztagsschule would offer kids. The ORF's education expert Martin Haidinger, has been following the story...

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