Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Syrian rebels' flag

2 years Syria and 10 years Iraq

Reality Check: 2 years of conflict in Syria, Zimbabwe votes on new constitution, 10 years since invasion of Iraq, Hungary's Klub Radio saved, Dunavision - caravan of change.

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Logo Klubradio in Ungarn

Klubrádió saved!

A critical voice of the conservative Fidesz government in Hungary has finally been allowed to retain its radio license.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Papst Franziskus

Pope Pandemonium and a Cockatoo Too

Reality Check: Argentinian reaction to 'their' new Pope, what his election means for Austria, a female Bishop's take PLUS - China has a new President and how cockatoos can teach us a thing or two about making wise business decisions. Really.

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Syrisches Kind

Save the Children of Syria

Reality Check: Syrian war affects a generation of children; endangered species; Alastair Crooke; Mars; Reflexia.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi

A Beginner's Guide to Electing a Pope

Reality Check: the Papal conclave begins, Clean Clothes in Cambodia, political controversy in Hungary, child brides in South Sudan, and supersized fizzy drinks are still available in the city that never sleeps.

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Konzert des philharmonischen Orchesters

Facing the historical music

Reality Check: Vienna Philharmonic's Nazi past; Fukushima 2 years on; India rape suspect dies; Afghanistan's angry president; the state of the FPÖ.

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins

The Ivory Wars

This week a CITES meeting revealed the slaughter of elephants is at a 20 year record high. How can the vicious poaching be stopped?

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, views South Korean territory from a military station in the North

Rousing rhetoric, and this time it's different

Reality Check: North Korea nuclear threats, Afghan medic turned journalist, Darfur 10 years on, portrain of Heather Kelley, Tricky Women

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Flagge der Falklandinseln

The land of sheep, penguins, people and politics

Reality Check: Falklands referendum, UN observers in Golan Heights taken hostage, international reaction to death of Hugo Chavez, alternative finance, "Forbidden Voices"

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
weinende Frau

Venezuela mourns Chavez

Reality Check: Chavez death announced, horsemeat consumer protection, Kenya elections, Lech Walesa and homophobia, Sex and the Citadel

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Kony T-Shirt

Moving Ahead and Looking Back

Reality Check: The SPÖ re-shuffle, impeachment in Prague, the latest political developments in Italy, Yemen's death penalty for minors, and Kony 2012 - one year on.

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Kurt Scheuch

The morning after the night before …

Carinthian and Lower Austrian Elections; Kenyan Elections; Myanmar's president in Europe; reported HIV "cure"; Roman Catholic Church

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
Ban Ki-moon

Meeting Ban Ki-moon

An encounter with the United Nations Secretary General who has been heavily criticized for his perceived softness.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

The view from the fiscal cliff

Reality Check: US sequester, Lower Austria and Carinthia elections, Bradley Manning, Ban Ki Moon, earthbag homes

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Talking to the hostage takers

Reality Check: The realities of negotiating a hostage release, anti-gay laws in Russia, Pope stands down, EU bankers' bonuses, cancer villages in China

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

EU fears a return to Euro misery

Reality Check: EU reaction to Italy election, Myanmar's Thein Sein in Europe, Pope's last day in office, Oxfam's criticism of the food industry, wrestling and the Olympics.

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins

Horsemeat Is A Side Show

The real scandal about food production? A "veil of secrecy" keeping third world farmers poor and keeping us ignorant.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Beppe Grillo

Italy's political impasse

Reality Check: Italy elections, Egypt opposition calls for election postponement, Chavez health crisis, training people with autism for business, politics and the Oscars

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
John Kerry

Kerry heads for Europe

Reality Check: John Kerry's visit to Europe, Iran nuclear talks, South Korea president, hair testing for drug abuse, discovering hands.

Alle Stories von Steven Crilley
Beppe Grillo Actionfigur

Broken Italy!

But what impact will a comedian have in these Italian elections? Reality Check heads to Rome.