Erstellt am: 13. 3. 2013 - 16:42 Uhr
Save the Children of Syria
Syria’s Children
With the second anniversary of the start of the conflict in Syria approaching, the charity Save the Children is warning of the devastating affect it's having on the country's children. Bereavement, trauma, and being used (by both sides in the conflict) as human shields are some of the issues highlighted in a new report:
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Endangered Species
After ten days of wrangling and debates, the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species, the CITES meeting, is coming to a climax in Bangkok. One of the delegates tells Chris Cummins about positive developments:
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Alastair Crooke
Alastair Crooke is a former top British MI-6 agent in the Middle East and the found of the Conflicts Forum. He's in Austria today and as someone deeply involved in gathering intelligence, Riem Higazi gets his insight into the Arab Spring:
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Life on Mars
The Curiosity rover has identified clay minerals on Mars - an important indicator of water in the planet's past. It shows that there were, at one time, the ingredients on Mars to support life:
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Snooze in the City
Go to Manila or Seville and after lunch many people enjoy a short siesta. There's now a place in Vienna that offers a sanctuary for a short retreat from the stress of work or shopping. Riem Higazi tried it out:
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