Standort: / Meldung: "Talking to the hostage takers"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

28. 2. 2013 - 15:46

Talking to the hostage takers

Reality Check: The realities of negotiating a hostage release, anti-gay laws in Russia, Pope stands down, EU bankers' bonuses, cancer villages in China

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Today is the deadline given by Yemeni tribesman for the ransom to be paid for the young Austrian hostage taken in December.

Former hostage negotiator, Alisdair Crooke of the Conflicts Forum, discusses the hostage negotiation process and the difficulties and risks involved.

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Gay laws in Russia

Charles Maynes explains how a series of new laws are gradually eroding gay right in Russia.

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Pope stands down

Pope last day


Pope Benedict pledges obedience to his successor at his last meeting with cardinals as Pope

Pope Benedict XVI becomes "emeritus Pope" at 8 p.m. this evening. Vatican watcher David Willey considers what he may be feeling at the end of his papacy.

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EU bank bonus cap

After public outrage at the enormous bonuses often paid to top bank executives, the EU has finally agreed on a cap that will come into force next year. Proponents of the cap say it will help prevent the "Moral Hazard" that can lead to unethical decision making and practices. FM4'sRobert Zikmund discusses what the cap means and its implications. Read more about his analysis here.

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China's cancer villages

China smoking


The Chinese love affair with cigarettes compounds the cancer risk from pullution

Our Beijing correspondent, Jörg Winter, explains why some villages in China are being called "cancer villages".

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FM4 Reality Check

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