Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Suu Kyi

Jerusalem: "very tense"

Reality Check: escalation in Israel, Myanmar's stalled reforms, German rail strike, France drones, Erdogan's palace

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Ebola: "The healthcare system is breaking down"

Reality Check: Ebola legacy, falling oil prices, US mid-term results, Razan Ghazzawi

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Schild mit der Aufschrift "Vote here"

The 4 billion dollar yawn?

Reality Check: US mid-term elections, access to medicines week, Kiev reaction to eastern Ukraine, campaign to end statelessness, Syria's civil war.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Angela Merkel

"A vote held under the gun-barrels of militants"

Eastern Ukraine elections, cyber security, Virgin Galactic crash, UK and the EU.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
al Aqsa-Moschee

Backdowns from Bukina Faso to Budapest

Burkina Faso, Ebola controversy, Temple Mount tensions, Hungary delays Internet tax, Russia's "nowhere men"

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Yehuda Glick

The unholy row over the holiest site

Temple Mount/Haram el-Sharif, Egypt buffer zone, Tunisia elections, Islamgesetz, Stammtisch app

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

The key point of Kobane

Reality Check: Peshmerga prepare for Kobane, US-Israel relations, US mid-term elections, Cambodia's Phare circus, social acceleration.

Alle Stories von Hal Rock
Mann in orangem Hemd

IS hostage "reports" from Kobane

Reality Check: Syria / ISIS latest; Mare Nostrum; Ebola & quarantine; Hungary Internet tax; Daniel Sloss

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Frau inspiziert Wahlzettel

Ukraine's new political landscape

Reality Check: Ukraine election; Brazil election; HRW Boko Haram abductions report; China peacekeeping; Dylan Thomas anniversary.

Alle Stories von Johnny Bliss
Robert Olen Butler

Robert Olen Butler and the nature of Yearning

Saturday on FM4 Reality Check: A chat with the Pulitzer prize-winning author of "A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain" (1993). In the lobby of a hotel bar in Vienna, we discussed the narrative form, yearning in the telling of a good story, and more.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Mann mit verschmutztem Gesicht

40 percent is not enough, but it's a good start

Reality Check: EU climate agreement, Mexico governor resigns, Ukraine election preview, mercenaries and the military, managing space.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Die Nationalflagge Kanadas mit einem roten Ahornblatt.

Canada attacks: looking for connections

Reality Check: Canada terror attacks, Egypt under al-Sisi. EU climate summit, satellites for the people, opening up southern Rotterdam.

Alle Stories von Hal Rock
Jean-Claude Juncker

Take 2 for Juncker's Commission

Reality Check: EU Parliament votes on new EU Commission; Austria and U-Ausschuss; Boko Haram; Nazi social security scandal; Superamas, SuperamaX.

Alle Stories von Hal Rock

A Ukrainian winter of discontent?

Reality Check: Moscow - Ukrainian gas deal; EU climate targets; Dabiq Magazine; Ukraine Cluster bombs; People smuggling.

Alle Stories von Hal Rock

Kurdish weapons for Kobane

Reality Check: USA arms Kurds; Libya today; Ebola - immunity & vaccine; EU / UK; Russian Baltic Fleet

Alle Stories von Hal Rock

Asylum seekers seeking jobs

Reality Check: ÖGB & asylum seekers; Organic farming; Australia & climate change; UNSC; Sustainable democracy

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Flüchtlingsboot auf rauer See

"They will not make Australia home"

Reality Check: EU talks on ebola, Australia's asylum problem, Mexico student disappearances, Austria's shrinking army, hunger in Argentina

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Demonstranten tragen eine kurdische Flagge

The best hope for an independent Kurdistan?

Reality Check: Why Islamic State is uniting the Kurds, Mi Bospo, Hong Kong and Beijing, ebola drugs, reviving Romania

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Papst Franziskus

Bishops "speak their own minds" over homosexuality

Reality Check: Vatican softens gay policy, ebola transmissions, UK vote on Palestine, Hypotopia, Roma in Romania.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Protecting the medics fighting ebola

Turkey US military bases, Ebola protection, Rebuilding Gaza, Bosnia