Erstellt am: 17. 10. 2014 - 14:29 Uhr
Asylum seekers seeking jobs

Austria: Asylum seekers & work
Erich Foglar, head of the ÖGB (the Austria Trade Union Federation), has now said that he’s willing to discuss the issue of making it easier for asylum seekers to gain access to the Austria jobs market. Up until now Austria Trade Unions had opposed any changes fearing that asylum seekers would force Austrian workers from the jobs market.
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Chris Cummins
Romania: Organic farming
Has the organic farming movement lost its way? What started out as a trend has now become big business and it’s the original small organic farmers who are losing out as Chris Cummins discovered on a trip to Romania.
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Australia: Canoe climate protest
It must have been an impressive sight: Tiny pacific island canoes facing off against giant coal tankers at the Australian port of Newcastle, The Islanders were protesting the devastating effects climate change is having on their island nations.
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UNSC: New non-permanent members
The United Nations Security Council has five permanent members and 10 non-permanent members who serve for a term of 2 years. Five new non-permanent members of the council have just been chosen: New Zealand, Spain, Venezuela, Malaysia and Angola. Just how does the selection process work and how does the composition of the council change its focus.
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Sustainability & Democracy
How much true democracy to we really have and how sustainable is our idea of democracy? Joanna Bostock is in conversation with Ingolfur Blühdorn, reader in political sociology at the University of Bath, UK, and author of "Simulative Democratie".
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or