Standort: / Meldung: "Bishops "speak their own minds" over homosexuality"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

14. 10. 2014 - 17:14

Bishops "speak their own minds" over homosexuality

Reality Check: Vatican softens gay policy, ebola transmissions, UK vote on Palestine, Hypotopia, Roma in Romania.

Pope Francis


Pope Francis got the bishops "to speak their own minds, without fear of the consequences"

Vatican softens line on homosexuality

Gay rights groups are welcoming a preliminary report from a Vatican synod as a breakthrough.

The report says homosexuals have "gifts and qualities to offer", and it represents a major shift in church policy.

David Willey reports from Rome.

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The nature of ebola

Virologist, Dr Derek Gatherer, explains the way the ebola virus spreads and why fears of it becoming airborne are unfounded.

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John Cummins

Hypotopia shows what the Hypo bailout is costing in practical terms


The remarkable protest project by students at Vienna's Technical University that shows the cost of the Hypo bank debacle in terms of the city that could have been built with the money.


UK votes to recognise Palestinian State

British MPs have voted overwhelmingly in favour of recognising Palestine as a state, in a move that is essentially symbolic, but has wide reaching implications. Shashank Joshi analyses the significance of the vote.

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Roma boy

Chris Cummins

A Roma boy in rural Romania

Roma in Romania

Why the problems facing Roma in Romania are economic rather than racial, and need action to fight poverty in all Romanian communities.

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