Standort: / Meldung: "Backdowns from Bukina Faso to Budapest"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

31. 10. 2014 - 14:33

Backdowns from Bukina Faso to Budapest

Burkina Faso, Ebola controversy, Temple Mount tensions, Hungary delays Internet tax, Russia's "nowhere men"

Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif tensions

Irris Makler reports from Jerusalem on the continuing tensions after Israeli authorities closed the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa mosque site yesterday.

Al Aqsa mosque


The al Aqsa mosque was re-opened to Muslims this morning, but only to women and men over 50

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Burkina Faso

As violent protests continue, and President Blaise Compaore refuses to stand down, reporter and analyst Peter Dorrie gives his interpretation of the latest developments.

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Ebola controversy

Doctors without Borders is warning that its work in fighting Ebola is being compromised by the quarantine measures being imposed in some US states. Debora Mackenzie of New Scientist explains why quarantine may not be the answer.

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Hungary delays Internet tax

Hungary has postpones plans to impose an internet tax, pending further discussions in the new year. Our Budapest correspondent, Nick Thorpe, discusses the significance of the decision.

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Nowhere men

Russia correspondent and analyst, Alexei Korolyov, discusses the politicians he dubs the "nowhere men".

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