Standort: / Autorenbereich von Kate Farmer

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

Schauplatz eines Bombenattentats

Protecting Pakistan's Shia

Reality Check: Bombs in Quetta, Turkey talks to PKK, Gottfried Küssel sentenced, Czech presidential elections, Haiti 3 years on.

Trillon Dollar Coin

The trillion dollar coin

Reality Check: Trillion dollar coin, Kurds shot in Paris, India's attitude to women, domestic workers study, Paraguay's Ayoreo tribe.


Egypt's economic slide

Reality Check: Egypt's economy, US-Afghanistan, Chavez inauguration postponed, stopping the ivory trade, Consumer Electronics Show

Rote Sonne in Australien

Australia burning

Reality Check: Australian bush fires, Mensdorff Pouilly trial, Chuck Hagel nomination, Ethiopia's risk for tourists, Chinese journalists strike


India looks to itself

Reality Check: India gang rape case, Assad's speech, Switzerland and guns, Palestine moves towards unity, Nothern Ireland flag row

ANC Mitglieder feiern Wiederwahl Zumas

Zuma's grip on the ANC

Reality Check: South Africa, USA 2013, death of the peace process, the truth about Asperger's, smarter socks

Präsident Obama blickt zerknirscht zu Boden

Everyone is shocked, but nothing will change

Reality Check: Sandy Hook shooting, the political year ahead in Austria, Tunisia 2 years on, same sex adoption in Switzerland

Susan Rice

Why Susan Rice will not be Secretary of State

Reality Check: Susan Rice, Mensdorff-Pouilly trial, EU summit, US students, bar code inventor dies.

landkarte syrien

Russia backs off Assad in a critical diplomatic turn

Reality Check: Russia-Syria, UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities, China-Japan, Northern Ireland, Visualising Palestine

Kim Jong Un

Why nobody stops the North Korean nonsense

Reality Check: North Korea rocket, Chavez health, Syrian National Coalition recognition, Salzburg scandal, homelessness.


Berlusconi on the rebound?

Reality Check: Berlusconi to run again, developments in Egypt, Salzburg financial scandal, 20 years SOS Mitmensch, "Shadows from my Past"

Kahled Meshaal

Fatah and Hamas - reconciliation in sight?

Reality Check: Khaled Meshaal in Gaza, 3 way talks on Syria, Doha climate conference, South Sudan refugees, Swedish military model


Deported... arrested... disappeared

Reality Check: The Chechen asylum seeker who was deported, and then arrested in Moscow. Also: Egypt protests, fundamentalism in India, Hezbollah in Europe, Lake Ellsworth

Native American

Tribal Nations go head to head with Obama

Reality Check: Tribal Nations Conference, Austria's declining corruption reputation, NPD ban, Mr Euro - who will take over from Juncker? PROSA


Syria's WMDs

Reality Check: Chemical weapons in Syria, Ganztagsschule, Slovenia protests, Egypt constitution, Arab philanthropy

Eine Walze planiert eine Straße

"A fatal blow.. to a 2 state solution"?

Reality Check: Israeli settlements, Haiti's president, Temelin expansion, Argentina politics, Internet regulation

Palestinians in the West Bank celebrate on the streets of Ramallah

The new "observer state" at the UN

Reality Check: new status for Palestinians, fiscal cliff, Syria, the missing trillions, film director Matthieu Bron

Mahmoud Abbas

A step to statehood?

Reality Check: UN vote on Palestinian status, the future for Hillary Clinton, the Levenson Report, protests in Tunisia, the genetic code of wheat

Demonstranten am Tahrir-Platz in Kairo

Morsi's self styled political suicide

Reality Check: Egypt protests, Syria opposition, France conservative leadership battle, Russia and Putin, new ratings regulations.

Jassir Arafat

The Arafat mystery

Reality Check: Arafat exhumed, Hungary election law, Greece bailout, Licht ins Dunkel, Rhino sanctuary

Storys von Kate Farmer