Erstellt am: 10. 12. 2012 - 15:29 Uhr
Berlusconi on the rebound?
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"Super Mario" and his team of technocrats were supposed to save Italy from financial ruin. Former Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, was forced to resign and Mario Monti ushered in a new reign of austerity.
A little over a year later, fortunes seem to be reversing themselves. Prime Minister Mario Monti says he is going to resign after Silvio Berlsuconi's People of Freedom party withdrew its support from the government. At the same time, Mr Berlusconi has announced his return to politics. So - could we be going back to square one?

Anyone who thought the irrepressible Mr Berlusconi would fade away, or at least stand back from the political fray, after his resignation was sorely mistaken. Despite his 76 years, despite a conviction for tax fraud, and despite an ongoing trial for allegedly paying for sex with an underage prostitute, Berlusconi is coming out with fighting talk. He says he feels a "responsbility" to stand again because of the country's economic situation.
From outside the country, it has to be said that many people have troube taking Berlsuconi seriously. However, he still has a massive fortune and an influential media empire on his side, and he should never be discounted.
As Jospehine McKenna reports from Rome, while his popularity may be at an all time low, he may yet bounce back into the front line.
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