Standort: / Meldung: "Russia backs off Assad in a critical diplomatic turn"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

13. 12. 2012 - 15:02

Russia backs off Assad in a critical diplomatic turn

Reality Check: Russia-Syria, UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities, China-Japan, Northern Ireland, Visualising Palestine

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For the first time Russia has acknowledged that the opposition might topple the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria.

It's an important step, as Russia has been the key obstacle in preventing international intervention as the situation in Syria deteriorates.

Friends of Syria meeting

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Russia's announcement coincides with the meeting of the Friends of the Syrian People in Morocco, and follows US recognition of the Syrian National Coalition as the only legitimate representation of the Syrian people

The move could also play out at different levels within Syria. Firstly, Russia is Syria's chief supplier of arms and a major trading partner. Although Russia is still calling for a compromise between the regime and the opposition, the shift in position towards the West is likely to be seen in Damascus as a betrayal that completely changes the diplomatic landscape. Secondly, there are many Syrians who have simply backed Assad because they thought he was going to win. This belief would have been reinforced by Russia's support of the regime, but the change of view in Moscow might make these people think again and switch their support to the opposition.

The Kremlin says plans are underway to evacuate Russian citizens if necessary, which suggests they think the situation might change quickly.

On today's Reality Check, Syria expert, Rime Allaf gives her analysis of the latest developments.

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UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities

Himan rights consultant, Marianns Schulze, looks at what has been achieved in the 6 years since the convention was adopted.

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Shinzo Abe


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Jörg Winter reports on increasing tension between the two countries ahead of Japan's elections this weekend.

Japan is taking a bullish attitude towards China's claim on islands in the East China Sea, and the issue is likely to be a key vote swinger in the election, with many people calling for the government to take a more hawkish stand towards China.

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Northern Ireland

The continuing "flag protests" and what they signify.

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Visualising Palestine

Ramzi Jaber talks to Riem Higazi about his project to give Middle East statistics real meaning.

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