Erstellt am: 11. 1. 2013 - 13:56 Uhr
Protecting Pakistan's Shia
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The Pakistani city of Quetta and the surrounding region has been hit by a series of deadly bombings, killing 113 people and injuring over 230. Most of the victims were Shia Muslims.

EPA/Musa Farman
2 Bombs went off, one after the other, at a snooker hall in Quetta, killing over 80 people, while another bomb went off in a busy market place and yet another at a border check point in Chaman in Swat.
The province is in 3 days of mourning. Analyst Shashank Joshi looks at the groups behind the bombings and their motives, and why Shia Muslims in Pakistan are so poorly protected.
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Talks between Turkey and the PKK
Turkey has re-opened negotiations with PKK leader Abdullah Öcolan. For the first time it looks as though real progress might be made, as the Kurdish autonomy movement is winning ground in both Syria and Iraq, but Turkey analyst, Fadi Hakura, is cautious about predicting any substantial outcome. He explains why to Joanna Bostock.
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Gottfried Küssel sentenced
Gottfried Küssel has been sentenced to nine years in jail for promoting Nazi ideology. Dr. Robert Eiter, the head of the Upper-Austrian Anti-Fascist Initiative, gives his reaction to the verdicts sentences passed on Küssel and his two accomplices.
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Czech Presidential elections

EPA/Filip Singer
This weekend, Czechs vote in presidential elections for the first time. The old system of the president being chosen by the parliament has been abandoned as being too prone to corruption, and there will be direct elections in which Czech people can choose between nine candidates, ranging from former prime ministers to the man dubbed "Avatar" for his head to toe blue tattoos.
Rob Cameron reports from Prague on the candidates and the mood on the eve of the first round of what will almost certainly be two rounds of elections.
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Haiti 3 years on
It's 3 years since the devastating earthquake hit Haiti. Since then, the county has struggled with civil disorder, cholera and hurricanes - but still Haitians carry on, confident that one day their country will stabilize and the future will improve. Michael Deibert looks at the international support for Haiti and where it falls down.
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FM4 Reality Check
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