Standort: / Meldung: ""A fatal blow.. to a 2 state solution"?"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

3. 12. 2012 - 15:57

"A fatal blow.. to a 2 state solution"?

Reality Check: Israeli settlements, Haiti's president, Temelin expansion, Argentina politics, Internet regulation

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It may have been inevitable, that Israel would retaliate in some way for the UN General Assembly's vote to award the Palestinians "observer state" recognition. However, the decision to expand settlement building to the tune of three thousand new homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem may have pushed things a little too far.

The settlements are always a tricky issue, but this time the United Nations is saying the plans could effectively put the final nail in the coffin of any hopes for a two-state solution. The problem is, that the new settlements would effectively cut Palestinians in the West Bank off from East Jerusalem - the projected Palestinian capital.

As with a great deal of Israel's bullish behaviour in recent weeks, at home this all plays into the upcoming elections. The government is keen to appeal to the hard-line conservatives, whose votes they will need in January. Unfortunately, the whole thing goes down very badly abroad, where Israel is being seen as obstructing any potential peace process.

Leaders in both France and Great Britian have called meetings with the Israeli ambassadors, and there is even talk of recalling their ambassadors to Israel. It's unlikely that either Britain or France would go that far, but it's clear that the latest episode in the Middle East saga is far from over.

Irris Makler reports from Jerusalem on the escalating situation.

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Haiti today

He's a singer with a passion for his country, but no political experience. However, he still became president of Haiti.

Michael Deibert reports on the current situation in Haiti and the role of President Martelly as the country struggles to overcome misrule and natural disasters.

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Temelin expansion

Hillary Clinton is in Prague today, discussing a planned doubling of the capacity of the Temelin nuclear power plant. She then goes to Brussels to discuss opposition to the plans from neighbouring countries, including Austria. Rob Cameron reports on the proposal, and why it has wide Czech support.

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Argentina's political problems

Argentina's President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner is coming under increasing pressure for her handling of everything from the economy to the media landscape. Esther Marie Merz reports from Buenos Aires.

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Internet regulation conference

The international Telecommunications Union Conference gets underway in Duabi today, with regulation of the Internet top of the agenda. Dave Dempsey looks at the proposals and implications.

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