Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
David Cameron

Could China save Greece?

Europe's economic crisis, the Khmer Rouge trials in Cambodia, and more on Reality Check


Gilad Shalit - still held hostage 5 years on

Also on Reality Check: Slovenia at 20 * Cyber attacks on the increase * Fukushima update * IAEA nuclear safety conference


Reality Check: Different-Happy

Erika Eiffel is an adult woman who is highly intelligent, an internationally accomplished archer and a martial arts expert, She is also married to the Eiffel Tower.

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
Hügellandschaft in Slowenien

No News is Good News

Slovenia turns 20 this weekend - a quiet Balkan success story

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock

What would you change?

How the innovative work of dedicated individuals and organisations to help those on the margins of society in Central and Eastern Europe are being highlighted and honoured by the Erste Foundation Award for Social Integration.

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock

Obama's plans for Afghanistan withdrawal

Also on Reality Check: the strenght of the Irish economy * violence flares in Northern Ireland * Designer John Galliano on trial in Paris * the Christiania hippie settlement in Copenhagen

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter,

The world needs to rethink its approach to food production

Also on Reality Check: Greece ahead of the confidence vote * Stuttgart 21 protests * Skin bleaching in Jamaica * Jewish women in turn of the century Vienna

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
George Papandreou

Could a Greek default set off a domino effect?

Also on Reality Check: World Refugee Day * Gaza flotilla sails again * Cleaning up agent orange in Vietnam * The metrosexual revolution

Alle Stories von Johnny Bliss

Antarctic Activism: All's Whale That Ends Whale

The Sea Shepherd's Guerilla War against Whaling

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
fahne v griechenland

Greece: "The penny doesn't seem to have dropped that default could be much worse"

Also on Reality Check: Austria terror suspects * Nigeria bomb blast * The appeal of pandas * The woes of Anthony Wiener *

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Flughafen Wien

Terror suspects arrested at Vienna airport

Also in Reality Check: Bin Laden's successor * Greek crisis deepens * War crimes in Sri Lanka * Skiing in Kashmir

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Zelte im Sudan

Escalating violence on Sudan's north-south border

Also on Reality Check * Protests over assisted suicide TV programme * Austria's young homeless * The cost of ditching nuclear power * Development tourism

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
Wocheiner See

Finding the Value of Nature

Eco-tourism or snow machines. Lake Bohinj in Slovenia tussles with its future direction.


NATO in Libya

On FM4 Reality Check: Our analyst Shashank Joshi talks to us about the meeting of NATO leaders in Brussels. Further topics: E.Coli, Croatias way to the EU and Iran's nuclear programme.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Ursula Plassnik

Turkey's no to Plassnik

On FM4 Reality Check: Why has Turkey vetoed the nomination of Ursula Plassnik? Further topics: Angela Merkel in the USA, Crisis in Syria and the World Economic Forum in Vienna.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer


On FM4 Reality Check: Questions are being asked about the german government's handling of the EHEC-crisis. Further topics: The demise of the EU, Turmoil in Yemen and the beginning of the hurricane season in Haiti.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
zwei ältere menschen sitzen vor einer ladenwand, auf die facebook gesprayt ist

Social Networking: The Media Revolution

A Reality Check on what social networking can, and can’t, do in the information society.

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
reinhold Messner

"This is not Heidi Land"

Reinhold Messner on why big city "Schwätzer" should leave Alpine politics alone.

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
Ein Ölfleck mit der Aufschrift spill

Frack Off!

Some say it’s the future of "green energy", others say it’s "worse than coal". The French just say "non!"