Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
G20 Gipfel Logo

Accusations but no answers at the G20

Reality Check: G20 and Greece, UN Convention against Corruption Conference, Geiger counter phone apps in Japan, Living in Kabul.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Flagge Griechenlands und eine Euro-Münze

New hope for Greece - but will it last?

Reality Check: Greek elections, Egyptian military increases power while Mursi claims election win, Racism in Polish football, Millennium Development Goals revisited.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Egypt in the grips of a "soft coup"?

Reality Check: Egyptian parliament dissolved, should Greece leave the Euro, James K. Galbraith, homophobia in Northern Ireland, Australia's marine parks.

Alle Stories von Robert Zikmund

"A spiral of crisis and refinancing"

James K. Galbraith, star-economist and son of even more star-economist John K. Galbraith in an interview.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Egypt: the bumps on the road to democracy

Reality Check: Egypt rules on validity of elections, collapse of the Greek health service, humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Henrique Capriles - the challenger to Chavez, Franz Fischler on Rio +20

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Syria: officially in civil war

Reality Check: Syria, Cyprus seeks financial help from Russia, EU crisis analysis, conflict in western Burma, Rickshaw Circus - Kabul to Istanbul

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi

Re-imagining Afghanistan through circus

My old and dear friend Adnan, juggles war-reporting with his need to help kids affected by war.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Ronald Reagan

Russia protests - the end or a new beginning?

Reality Check: Russia protest marches, 25th anniversary of Reagan's "tear down this wall" speech, atrocities agains children in Syria, restrictions on cosmetic surgery in Austria, Rio +20.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

France leans to the left

Reality Check: French elections, Spanish banks bailout, Euro 2012 and racism, portrait of Burma's Thein Sein, Rio +20 and biofuels.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Annan and Ban

New conflicts need new solutions

Reality Check: Why a new approach is needed on Syria, homophobia in Russia, Egypt's new consitutional panel, Anti-Semitism in France, Euro 2012

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Dizzee Rascal

Reality Check Special: The 13%

With global youth unemployment at 13%, and over 20% in Europe, young people are giving up on governments and looking for their own solutions.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Spain is not "another Greece"!

Reality Check: Spain's banking problems, fossil fuels and world security, Turkey's proposed abortion ban, church abuse, Venus transit.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Vladimir Putin

From Russia, with Love?

Reality Check: the Russia/EU Summit in St. Petersburg, murky dealings within the Chinese entertainment industry, air travel safety in Africa, education reform in Austria, and new internet suffix regulations.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Plakat von Mubarak, das herunter gerissen wird

Mubarak verdict: justice or politics?

Realtiy Check: Mubarak trial, hunger conference, Syria-EU, Syria-US, 100% renewable energy in the future

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Schild Occupy Sydney

Organising the 99 per cent

A Saturday Reality Check with David Graeber - anthropologist, activist and anarchist - who’s been described as the "Anti-leader of Occupy Wall Street".

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

A Russian view of Syria

Reality Check: Russia's role in Syria, Quebec student protests, Ireland EU referendum, Oxfam's "Stop a bullet, stop a war" campaign, Euro 2012 and the Ukrainian measles outbreak

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Syria: is the time for talk well and truly over?

Reality Check: Kofi Annan in Syria, Suu Kyi on international trip, violence in Egypt, Saskia Sassen on social movements, fingers, face and character

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Wahlzettel Ägypten

Victory for democracy, but not the revolution

Reality Check: Egypt elections, project bonds, youth unemployment, Summer University for women, Euro 2012 and racism

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Ein schwarzhäutiges Kind

Colonial nostalgia and responsibilities

Reality Check: Congo from the inside, EU summit, Amnesty criticises UN Security Council, Syria and Lebanon, New species discovered.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Ägypter beim Wählen

Egyptian Presidential Election: WhoWhatWhyWhen?

Reality Check: The Egyptian Presidential Election as it unfolds, the cost of protesting in Russia, Iran's nuclear programme discussed in Baghdad, female sex tourism, and the launch of SpaceX.