Erstellt am: 8. 6. 2012 - 14:57 Uhr
New conflicts need new solutions
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The conflict in Syria is sprialling down and down, but the International Community are powerless to take any concrete action.
The fundamental nature of conflicts is changing. From wars between countries, the vast majority of conflicts now are conflics within countries. It is no longer about national armies fighting eachother, but about disparate, often informal groups of civilians fighting organised governement forces, or even fighting each other. This means that the role of the International Community and its "responsibility to protect" is becoming blurred and ever more difficult to fulfil. Neil Kelvin of the Stockholm International Peace Research Insitute explains why new types of conflict need new types of response.
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Homophobia in Russia
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Egypt's consititutional panel
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Euro 2012

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In Austria, your comfort and enjoyment are assured at the FM4 EM-Quartier at the WUK in Vienna.
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FM4 Reality Check
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