Standort: / Kategorie "Reality Check"

Reality Check

Alle Themen: 

Musik, Film, Buch, Serien, Heiteres, Politik & Gesellschaft,
Kunst & Design, Alltag, Games, Netzkultur, Sport

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Mursi auf israelischer Fahne

Outside-In and Inside-Out

Reality Check: a look at the recent events in Egypt from the international perspective and another Austrian company's worrying financial status is laid bare.

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock

Mursi versus Military

Reality Check: Egypt's political standoff and a young photographer's impressions of the Syrian conflict.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Demo Schild

A Revolution Reload as EU Tempers Explode

Reality Check: Egyptians take back to the streets in a major way and European officials are livid about a report claiming that the U.S. National Security Agency spied on EU offices.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Women and Candles

Watching, waiting and remembering

Reality Check: Vigils for Nelson Mandela, Vienna +20 and women's rights, EU and youth unemployment, Croatia and the EU, Little People Romania

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Frau protestiert in Ägypten

Egypt braces for further protests

Reality Check: Egypt protests, rethinking the bailouts, same sex marriage rulings in the US, Vienna +20, Croatia and the EU.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi

Coming Together and Growing Apart

Reality Check: the EU tries to reach a communal farming policy, Croatia joins the EU, whistleblower Snowden causes tri-continental rifts, fishing communities and human rights, and what the heck are contrails?

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Bunga Bunga politics

Reality Check: Berlusconi verdict, Croatia-EU, Snowden US, Vienna +20, Poverty and energy

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Edward Snowden

Desperately seeking Snowden

Reality Check: intelligence implications of Ed Snowden leaks, Brazil protests, Vienna +20, Hans Hass obituary, Croatia joining the EU.

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
Aric Queen

My Reality: "Aric With An A"

Aric S. Queen, 36, [Homeless], Author, Producer, Sailor, Presenter, Snacker, Pastor’s Kid.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
stehender Protest

Standing silently - Turkey's new protest

Reality Check: Turkey protests, gay "cure" group Exodus closes down, deadly pesticides in the home, Footprint helps trafficked women, Old Time Radio Plays

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

Alpine Bau - the free market at work

Reality Check: Alpine Bau, Native American languages, talking to the Taliban, Brazil protests, James Gandolfino dies

Alle Stories von Joanna Bostock
Barack Obama

Back in Berlin

Reality Check: Obama in the German capital; military commissions in Guantanamo; Brazil protests; record refugee figures; US-EU free trade concerns.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

The political price of the Golan Heights

Reality Check: Golan withdrawal, Brazil protests, Afghanistan, EU-USA trade talks, alternative Budapest.

Alle Stories von Christian Cummins
Biker lässt die Zunge raushängen

Retro Riding

The bikes were vintage, the clothes were vintage - but after 173km my legs just felt plain old. The In Velo Veritas bike ride.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer

The spy who tapped me: 007 at the 00-G8

Reality Check: government spies at summit meetings, Iran's President Rowhani, unions join Turkey protests, Czech PM resigns, 50 years of women in space.


Food for Thought

Food waste, why it happens, why it's important to reduce it, and some ideas about how to do that. A Saturday Reality Check Special.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Rote Linie

Crossing the red line

Reality Check: US pledges to send arms to Syria, Erdogan in talks with protesters, Iran votes, Danube 2 bridge opens, VeloCity 2013

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Atatürk auf Fahne

Divide and rule

Reality Check: Turkey talks, MAK bike exhibition, EU and surveillance, Iran elections, Irish film festival

Alle Stories von Riem Higazi
ERT Schriftzug

Where's Eleni?!

Reality Check: Greece's National Broadcasting Corporation shuts down, US politicians react to the NSA spy leak, can there ever be a Single EU Sky, racial profiling on the increase in greece, and the largest city-cycling-related conference ever.

Alle Stories von Kate Farmer
Hong Kong

Can Hong Kong protect Snowden?

Reality Check: Edward Snowden and Hong Kong, Trayvon Martin trial, Egypt Ethiopia water row, Velo-City 2013 opens in Vienna