Standort: / Meldung: "Where's Eleni?!"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

12. 6. 2013 - 16:24

Where's Eleni?!

Reality Check: Greece's National Broadcasting Corporation shuts down, US politicians react to the NSA spy leak, can there ever be a Single EU Sky, racial profiling on the increase in greece, and the largest city-cycling-related conference ever.

Two employees of the Greek state television ERT take a nap in one of the offices at the broadcasting station headquarters in Agia Paraskevi after the government announced ERT's closure


Two employees of the Greek state television ERT take a nap in one of the offices at the broadcasting station headquarters in Agia Paraskevi after the government announced ERT's closure of the 11th of June

The Greek Public Broadcaster Shuts Down

When I was watching the moment the power was cut off not just to Greece's state-run TV stations but also their radio stations, I got panicky. On many different levels. I saw a studio news anchor try to establish contact with a field reporter and as I watched him call her name, "Eleni? Eleni!!?", I saw how the entire screen went black - no studio news anchor, no nothing. I asked myself out loud, "Where is Eleni?"

What the shut-down of the Greek broadcasting corporation means, that's what Anthony Mills of the International Press Institute explained.

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A Bi-Partisan State of Shock

The NSA/CIA internet surveillance spy scheme as exposed by Edward Snowden has got lots of people's knickers in a twist, not least American politicians'. Political commentator Steve Hill explains why.

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The Same Big Sky

The swirl of activity you see in the picture next to these words - they are provided by photo-wizardry and stars but there is a swirl of man-made activity going on up in the sky and, in the EU at least, there is talk of regulating the sky using a communal set of rules. Is this a good idea? Is it even possible to get the logistics and technology to even attempt to do this?

Steve Crilley asked David Learmont at Flight Global what the Single European Sky Project is all about.

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Greek Problem, Chapter One Million

As if Greece didn't have enough issues to deal with: the national broadcaster has just shut down, a far-right political party is quickly gaining popularity, the economic crisis is of course not over and now - racial profiling by the police. A Human Rights Watch report tells all.

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VeloCity, You Can Not Keep Chris Cummins

VeloCity is the very clever name for the largest European conference on urban biking ever. It is taking place in Vienna at the moment and not only do the mayors and urban planners of the Continent's biggest cities get to exchange ideas about better city-biking, they also get to listen to FM4's Cyclist-in-Chief, Christian Cummins to hear his ideas on what makes a city a great bike-city. Chris is all about making cities safer, smarter, and cooler for cyclists.

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