Erstellt am: 17. 6. 2013 - 15:50 Uhr
The spy who tapped me: 007 at the 00-G8
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Following the PRISM scandal, and as G8 leaders meet in Northern Ireland, it has been revealed that the British government spied on foreign leaders during previous G20 meetings. The tactics included setting up "fake" internet cafes to give the security services access to private and confidential e-mails and correspondence.

EPA/Stefan Rousseau
International espionage expert Nigel West says no-one should be surprised at the news; spying on top level diplomats is all part of diplomatic stragegy and procedure, and to stress the point, the revelations about UK spying are coming from the USA.
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Iran's new president
In a surprising last minute turn of events, moderate cleric Hassan Rowhani swept to a first round victory in Friday's presidential election in Iran. Rosemary Hollis looks ahead to what the new presidency might hold.
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Escalating protests in Turkey
Jon Wiltshire reports from Istanbul on the latest developments as trade unions announce strikes in support of the anti-government protests.
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Czech Prime Minister resigns over corruption scandal
Petr Necas is standing down today after prosecuters charged his chief of staff of corruption and abuse of power. Ian Willoughby reports from Prague on the scale of the allegations of corruption and the wider implications.
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Canada's first woman astronaut

It's now 50 years since the first woman went into space. The Russian, Valentina Tereshkova, set the milestone in space history on June 16th, 1963. She was the 12th human in space, but despite advances in technology and women's rights since then, the ratio of space men to space women remains at something higher than 10:1.
Roberta Bondar was Canada's first woman in space, joining an 8 day mission in 1992. She talks to Gennie Johnson about her life and experiences in the elite world of astronauts.
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FM4 Reality Check
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