Standort: / Autorenbereich von Kate Farmer

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter,

The world needs to rethink its approach to food production

Also on Reality Check: Greece ahead of the confidence vote * Stuttgart 21 protests * Skin bleaching in Jamaica * Jewish women in turn of the century Vienna

George Papandreou

Could a Greek default set off a domino effect?

Also on Reality Check: World Refugee Day * Gaza flotilla sails again * Cleaning up agent orange in Vietnam * The metrosexual revolution

fahne v griechenland

Greece: "The penny doesn't seem to have dropped that default could be much worse"

Also on Reality Check: Austria terror suspects * Nigeria bomb blast * The appeal of pandas * The woes of Anthony Wiener *

Flughafen Wien

Terror suspects arrested at Vienna airport

Also in Reality Check: Bin Laden's successor * Greek crisis deepens * War crimes in Sri Lanka * Skiing in Kashmir

Zelte im Sudan

Escalating violence on Sudan's north-south border

Also on Reality Check * Protests over assisted suicide TV programme * Austria's young homeless * The cost of ditching nuclear power * Development tourism

Ursula Plassnik

Turkey's no to Plassnik

On FM4 Reality Check: Why has Turkey vetoed the nomination of Ursula Plassnik? Further topics: Angela Merkel in the USA, Crisis in Syria and the World Economic Forum in Vienna.



On FM4 Reality Check: Questions are being asked about the german government's handling of the EHEC-crisis. Further topics: The demise of the EU, Turmoil in Yemen and the beginning of the hurricane season in Haiti.

zwei ältere menschen sitzen vor einer ladenwand, auf die facebook gesprayt ist

Social Networking: The Media Revolution

A Reality Check on what social networking can, and can’t, do in the information society.

"One" vom Dollarschein

The death of the American Dream

… or is it just taking a time-out?


Libya: a lose-lose situation?

Analyst and commentator Shashank Joshi says everything points to an almost inevitable stalemate in Libya.

The Body Shop

Reality Check Special: Social Entrepreneurs

The ups and downs of the business of making a better world.

Illustration aus dem Buch "Alice im Wunderland", die den verrückten Hutmacher zeigt

A victory for the Tea Party

But did the Mad Hatters win it for them?


Reality Check Special: Design of the Times

How design touches our lives every day - even when we don't notice it!


Iran - could it be Iraq all over again?

"Israeli Military Strike on Iran Will Lead to a Protracted War and Will Not Solve Nuclear Crisis" - Paul Rogers, July 2010

barack obama

The slippery politics of oil

You don't have to be mad to understand US policy on oil, but it helps!

Kon Kelei

A child soldier's story

Kon Kelei's journey from child soldier in Sudan to advocate for the rights of young people in The Netherlands


Saskia Sassen on global cities and global terrorism

"Global cities are attractive targets if you want to make a statement" - Saskia Sassen

Tony Blair Maske

Tony Blair in the Hot Seat at the Iraq Inquiry

Time to face the music, and dance!


The Changing Face of Hollywood

We've seen the future…and it’s blue! Hear more on this Saturday's Reality Check.

Paul Scheffer

Immigration, integration and inevitable conflict

Urban sociologist Paul Scheffer believes integration problems are often as much the fault of the host country as of the immigrants.

Storys von Kate Farmer