Reality Check: The dangers of the threatened strike on Iran's nuclear facilites, crunch time for Berlusconi, Darabos and Entacher, online far-right supporters, conviction in Jackson trial.
Reality Check: Greek referendum on bailout, Thailand floods, Assange extradition verdict, Russia and the WTO, 50 years of Turkish Gastarbeiter in Germany.
Reality Check: China's president makes state visit to Austria, Occupy St. Paul's controversy, Qantas resumes flights, Germany's 55.5 billion clerical error, Finland's financial fears
Reality Check: Thai flooding, new Saudi crown prince, Austrian parliamentary committee on corruption, coccuption in Croatia, South Africa's new opposition leader
Reality Check: Alleged Iranian assassination plot, King Abdullah Centre in Vienna, Barrosso's plan to save the Euro, Floods in Thailand, Reporter 12 competition
Reality Check: The Nobel Peace prize, Occupy Wall Street movement spreads, Panama Climate Conference, A Darkness Visible: Afghanistan, blind athlete Henry Wanyioke
Reality Check: The career and legacy of Steve Jobs, Afghanistan-India security pact, "Delete - the virtue of forgetting in the digital age", Cleaners to help anti-doping at London Olympics.
Reality Check: Amanda Knox released, the bank for those without a bank account, jailed Egyptian blogger, Austria and bank secrecy, one year since Hungarian toxic sludge disaster