Erstellt am: 13. 12. 2016 - 00:01 Uhr
FM4 Intelligentkalender #13 - More than Shelters
Der FM4 Intelligentkalender
24 Ideen zur Rettung der Welt.
- zurückblättern: #12: Der Freiluftsupermarkt
The UN Refugee Agency has compiled some shocking statistics - did you know that there are over 65 million people who have been forcibly displaced across the entire world?
Over 21 million of those people are considered refugees.
Think about all those millions of people having to leave their homes and not just escape war or poverty or environmental disasters, they have to figure out how to put a roof over their heads again.

Malte Metag
An NGO based in Hamburg has been helping people do just that in Germany, Greece, Nepal, Jordan, and Haiti.
The idea behind More Than Shelters is to create humane habitats for refugees and displaced people and encourage them to actively shape their own future. It’s about more than a temporary solution, it’s about dignity.
The basis of the more than Shelters project is the ‘Domo’ – a shelter system with a modular character which easily adaptable to individual and cultural needs as well as to local climate and geographical circumstances.

Malte Metag
The Domo features stability despite being light, it can be assembled quickly and has a life-span of ten years (whereas other tents are usually worn-down well before that).

Malte Metag
According to United Nations more than 3 billion people worldwide will be living in unhealthy and unsafe conditions by 2050. Projects like More than Shelters, which doesn’t just address the challenge of immediate housing but focuses on forward-thinking and social and educational endeavours, are bound to be vital to literally billions of people in the future.