Standort: / Meldung: "Austria's new government sworn in"

Steve Crilley

God, what's happening in the world! A reality check on the web.

16. 12. 2013 - 16:44

Austria's new government sworn in

But what about the protests outside the Hofburg?

Austria indeed has a new government. Almost three months after the federal election, Austria's new grand coalition government has finally taken power.

Ministers from the SPÖ and ÖVP took the oath of office before President Heinz Fischer, beginning with Chancellor Werner Faymann. But this morning's ceremony was accompanied by protests outside the Hofburg. I spoke with political commentator Thomas Hofer, who told me that this initial wave of concern is obviously not a great start for the new government.

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Meanwhile staying on the theme of coalition politics, German political leaders have been expected to sign a coalition agreement later on today between the Social Democrats and CDU/ CSU. It will be the third grand coalition government in the country's history. Reports say Chancellor Angela Merkel and her deputy Sigmar Gabriel will be sworn in tomorrow. So on that note, Riem Higazi spoke with Stephen Evans in Berlin to ask him about the new constellation.

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Our Licht ins Dunkel project this year is supporting Prosa. And Prosa is actually following in the footsteps of an organisation in Munich called the Schlau Schule. It's a project which helps young refugees from all over the world complete a school education in three years. Sammy Khamis went along to find out more about Schlau Schule.

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The Central African Republic
Conditions in the CAR have been rapidly deteriorating with aid agencies sending out warnings about the humanitarian situation. We'll speak with our correspondent, Anna Mayumi Kerber, who's in the capital, Bangui.

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In the Canadian pacific north west, there is a narrow coastal waterway surrounded by mountains. It's called the Inside Passage, and navigating this waterway by boat can take 15 hours or more. Johnny Bliss, took a trip along the Inside Passage.

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And if you want to find out more about Johnny's travels through Canada's Inside Passage, check out his web story here.