Erstellt am: 15. 6. 2012 - 13:34 Uhr
The Space Zeppelin: A Space Opera (Episode III)
This bilingual radio-play premiered on FM4's Salon Helga on Friday the 13th of April. Episode II broadcast on Friday the 18th of May. And Episode III is Friday the 15th of June (TODAY), between 20.15-21.30.
Captain's Log: Stardate 274-2500, Sonic Year 15974.
Where to begin? The crew of my magic time-and-space-bending Zeppelin have all either died or been kidnapped by mercenaries; I am flying alone toward the remote planet of Rakiuron, to collect more fuel.
Alone? did I say. Well, that's not exactly true. I do have some company, in the form of a warship which is following me - my sinister chaperone, from the Crepuscular Alliance, which has kidnapped Krolli, and is monitoring my ship to protect us from bounty hunters, or alternatively blast us to smithereens if we try anything funny.

Christoph Sepin, 2012
We? did I say. Well, I guess that's the other thing.
I'm not entirely alone on this ship. There is, naturally, HAL, the artificial intelligence which runs the Zeppelin's internal systems, and also happens to be a big Michael Jackson fan.
And then there is the question of the mysterious and beautiful warrior queen from the planet Telabrus One: Talina. Apparently, she used to be a bounty hunter herself. Apparently, she isn't one anymore.
But I don't know how to feel about this lady; she hides so much of herself away and you never really know where you stand with her. I like her a lot, and I really want her to open up to me, but there's always a wall up with her. I feel in my gut that she has a lot of secrets.

Christoph Sepin, 2012
I guess only time will tell the truth about her. We will be entering the orbit of this equally mysterious planet, Rakiuron, in just a few hours, and I have to say, it is really nice to have the company of a girl that you like, especially when she has exceptional skill with laser-swords.
If only I had brought her with me to the Liechtenstone last episode, then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. As you'll recall, while I was on the surface of the Liechtenstone (aka Asteroid B-612), we were ambushed by Fleet Commander Seven and his crew, who eventually took us all hostage and kidnapped our Chief Engineer Krolli van Krolli.
So now they won't let him free until he has built them a Love and Truth engine, similar to the one which powers this Zeppelin.
I can't help but feel responsible.

Christoph Sepin, 2012
I'm sorry, you did read the other captain's logs, right? Or at least you heard the last two episodes?! Jeez, have you been living in a cave or what?
OK well, surely you know that our ship runs entirely on the intangible human qualities of Love, Truth, and Free Expression; more to the point, the 'fuel' is extracted from audio interviews which I collect around the galaxy. It is therefore an entirely clean and renewable source of energy. One simply needs to find open people who are willing to talk honestly.
Krolli, along with being my chief engineer and a particle physicist, is also an old-school Open Sourcerer. This means that we have no intention of hoarding this incredible engine just for ourselves. Our plan is, and has always been, to release the blue prints for our engine to the public and thereby end the age of dirty fuel consumption.
Meanwhile, the Empire -- who control intergalactic commerce by monopolizing industry and selling dirty fuels -- have caught wind of our plans. That's why we're in such incredible danger, and that's why all of these bounty hunters and star alliances are after us! They want us all dead, and they want our magic zeppelin. To achieve these ends, they have put a massive bounty of literally billions of Solars out on our heads.
And so, at risk of repeating myself, I'm glad I have Talina here, and not just because I feel that we have a special connection: I can really use the protection. I like to think I'm a good journalist and a fairly decent captain, but give me a laser sword and I'll probably just hurt myself.
For everything, I still feel very safe with Talina, and I know that any bounty hunters that attempt to collect the Empire's ransom on my head will feel the taste of her laser blade...
Right now, in a parallel universe...
Johnny Bliss and the Space Zeppelin, Episode III
Tune in to FM4's Salon Helga tonight for the most action-packed, chaotic, tragi-comic and comi-tragic episode of the Space Zeppelin yet.

Christoph Sepin, 2012

Christoph Sepin, 2012
Episode III Credits
Cast of Characters (in order of appearance):
Mountie Hunter #1 - Geoffrey Leathwood
Mountie Hunter #2 - Derrick Ulian
Mountie Hunter #3 - Jordan Barnes-Crouse
Johnny Bliss - himself
Talina - Conny Lee
HAL The Computer - Hal Rock
Commander Joe - Joe Remick
Peter Cox (Interview; Ulva Island, New Zealand)
The Empress - Julia Barnes
Cromwell - Chris Cummins
Flukas - Lukas Tagwerker
Letisha McRitchie (Interview; Rakiura/Stewart Island, New Zealand)
Space Penguins - Johnny Bliss & Christoph Weiss
Chancellor Blütenweiss - Christoph 'Burst Up' Weiss
Scott Wendell Livingstone - himself
Scott Livingstone (Interview; Rakiura/Stewart Island, New Zealand)
Engineer Thirty Eight - Arthur Einöder
Krolli van Krolli - Roland Gratzer
Fleet Commander Seven - Joe Joe Bailey
Crepuscular Computer Voice - Robin Lee
Script/Direction: Johnny Bliss
Production: Sebastian Schlachter, Johnny Bliss & Christoph Weiss
Post-Production (Editing): Johnny Bliss & Sebastian Schlachter
Original Soundtrack: Christoph 'Burst Up' Weiss (Schönheitsfehler)
Original Artwork: Christoph Sepin (Quiz3000)
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