Standort: / Meldung: "The Space Zeppelin: A Space Opera"

Johnny Bliss

Disorderly artist, journalist, and late night moderator, with a fetish for microphone-based hooliganism.

13. 4. 2012 - 17:10

The Space Zeppelin: A Space Opera

The new science fiction-comedy Hörspiel premieres on FM4 Salon Helga. Meanwhile, love, truth, and free expression will never feel quite the same again.

A strange coincidence: last week I went to the cinema, and watched quite possibly the only film ever made to feature Space Zeppelins, Iron Sky. The film itself I had mixed feelings about, I admit, but the Space Zeppelins - and other spacey CGI visuals - were well worth the price of entry.

iron sky space zeppelins

Blind Spot Pictures, 2012

Blind Spot Pictures, 2012

I'm afraid our budget (for visuals) is just a tad smaller than the one for Iron Sky, but we did the best we could.

Space Zeppelin FM4

Clemens Haipl, 2012

Clemens Haipl, 2012

I have a strange lifelong fascination with Zeppelins, and have always wanted to have one of my own, but birthday after birthday, Christmas after Christmas, friends and family have persisted on not giving me one.

It was time to take matters into my own hands.

Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to present to you...

Johnny Bliss and The Space Zeppelin

Without giving too much away, the Space Zeppelin is an epic comedy science fiction space opera, which takes place in a parallel universe.

This bilingual radio-play will premiere on FM4's Salon Helga Friday 13th, hosted and narrated by Stermann & Grissemann, between 20.15-21.30.

A brilliant young Open Sourcerer named Krolli van Krolli, and a bumbling journalist and ship captain named Johnny Bliss have designed a new Space-and-Time-bending Zeppelin, fuelled by Love, Truth, and Free Expression (captured in the form of journalistic interviews).

Because those three things are infinite, should this new technology ever become truly Open Source, it will render nearly all industry obsolete.

Hence, our virgin voyage across the galaxy will be fraught with difficulties; whether we are getting attacked by space pirates, or shot at by Empire storm troopers, special interests will never rest easy until the blueprints of the technology have either gone viral or been entirely suppressed.

Join us, as we fend off bounty hunters and visit new uncharted planets...

Space Zeppelin FM4

Clemens Haipl, 2012

Clemens Haipl, 2012

7 Days on Demand

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Cast of Characters (in order of appearance):

Krolli van Krolli - Roland Gratzer
Johnny Bliss - himself
Flukas - Lukas Tagwerker
HAL The Computer - Hal Rock
LHC Coordinator Mike Lamont (Interview; Geneva, Switzerland)
Street Hawker #1 - Roman Schilhart
Molly Farkasan (Interview; Istanbul)
Stormtroopers - Paul Schiff (The Curbs)
Woman at Market - Riem Higazi
Street Hawker #2 - DJ Beware
Know Hope (Interview; Tel Aviv, Israel)
Talina - Conny Lee
Curator - Steve Crilley
Art Patrons #1&2 - Julia Barnes & Moore Parker
A bunch of random people (Interview; Venice Biennale, Italy)
Johnny Jackal der Blonde - Hannes Duscher

Space Zeppelin FM4

Clemens Haipl, 2012

Clemens Haipl, 2012

Script/Direction: Johnny Bliss
Production: Sebastian Schlachter, Johnny Bliss & Christoph Weiss
Post-Production (Editing): Johnny Bliss & Sebastian Schlachter
Original Soundtrack: Christoph 'Burst Up' Weiss (Schönheitsfehler)
Original Artwork: Clemens Haipl (Projekt X)