Standort: / Unterseite "Radio" / Meldung: "Freitag, 27. 5. 2016"

26. 5. 2016 - 17:08

Freitag, 27. 5. 2016

La Boum de Luxe live vom Spring Festival in Graz | Kaytranada | Who is Kenny Larkin? | Money Monster | Top FM4: "Die Galanacht zur Rettung des Austropop on ice"

Morning Show (06-10)

with John Megill and Barbara Köppel

We’ll celebrate x-mas in summer giving away movietickets, a Barbecue and tickets for the C’est la Müh at the Cselley Mühle. We’ll be talking about the Cselley Mühle also with David Kleinl from Tanz Baby! who will join us in the studio. Also Johanna recommends this blog which she likes, opposed to other things which she doesn’t like and will tell us about. Tune in and wake up, with the FM4 Morning Show.

Update (10-12)

with Hal Rock

Termine | Webtip | Artist of the Week: Kaytranada

Reality Check (12-14)

with Riem Higazi

  • The incompetent vs. the disliked?

James Boys gives his analysis of the forthcoming battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for the US presidency.

  • Could the UK adopt the Norway model

With just four weeks to wait for the "Brexit" result, Norway correspondent, Lars Bevanger, explains Norway's "special relationship" with the EU, and whether this could work for Britain.

  • Venezuela "heading for civil war"

After spending two weeks in Venezuela, Jack Parrock describes the situation on the streets amid economic collapse, and the prospect of still further deterioration.

  • Australia vanishes from UN report

All mentions of Australia have been removed from a UN report on climate change and world heritage sites, including the section on the Great Barrier Reef. Scientific reviewer, Will Steffen, who worked on the report, discusses why this happened.

Subscribe to the Reality Check podcast and get the whole programme after the show, or check out

FM4 Unlimited (14-15)

with Functionist and Beware

The daily cross-genre, eclectic styles mixshow.
Available with immediate effect - the stream!

Connected (15-19)

mit Claudia Unterweger

Festivalradio: Who is Kenny Larkin?

Film: Money Monster

Artist of the Week: Kaytranada

Top FM4 (19-21)

mit Roli Gratzer und Hannes Duscher

"Die Galanacht zur Rettung des Austropop on ice", so heißt die Live-Show, die unsere Kollegen Duscher und Gratzer letztens im Radiokulturhaus gemacht haben. Live zu hören heute in TOP FM4 ab 19 Uhr.

Mit dabei: Chris Lohner, Sonja Sawoff, Voodoo Jürgens, Peter Hackmair und Kidcat Lofi.

La Boum de Luxe (21-06)

LIVE vom Spring Festival in Graz mit Natalie Brunner Sebastian Schlachter und DJ Slack Hippy

Eine Spezialausgabe von La Boum de Luxe, live vom Spring Festival in Graz - Mit vielen Live-Sets und Interviews aus dem FM4 Studio in der Festivalzentrale im Joanneumsviertel. Wir freuen uns auch auf Besuch! Vor Ort starten wir um 17 Uhr. On Air sind wir wie gewohnt um 21:00

Slack Hippy in the mix

Carlo Ruetz


Ellen Allien (BPitch/Berlin)


Tijana T (ADR/Belgrade)

Karizma Groove A 'K' Ordingly
La 4a Understand
Paul Du Lac Backstreet Boy
The 23s Any Second (Christian S Remix)
Omar S Blade Runner
Basil Are You House
Agnes Quen Pena
Jon Hester A Distant Spark
DJ Bone Cultural Variance
P.E.A.R.L. The Golden Dawn
Abe Duque & Blake Baxter Acid
Viers Lain
Konstantin Sibold Mutter
Joton N.E.X.O.
Robert Hood The Pace
Liberty City If You Really Want Someone (The MURK Groove)

Milou (The Zoo Project /Ibiza)

Rhymos Horny Goat Weed (Fanick Remix) Overall Music
REda daRE We used to Robsoul Recordings
Jaffa Surfa Feel It (Dub Mix) Off Recordings
Tuccillo Pudeser Re:vibe Audio
donRafael Smoke & Mirrors (John Dimas Remix) Overall Music
Tato Jb's (Pete Moss Remix) Isgud Records
REda daRE Rdna Robsoul Recordings
Mr KS Making Beats (Djebali) Presents
Paul C & Paolo Martini Bermuda 8 Bit
Morgenklang Lubenica (Dachshund Remix) Tretmühle

Mollono.Bass (3000Grad Rec)

RNDM (Dial/Laid/Berlin)