Standort: / Autorenbereich von Joanna Bostock

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.

Deutsche Richter

Germany, the ESM and other Financial Lessons

Reality Check: German Constitutional Court holds a public hearing on the ESM; a web game to teach financial literacy.

Libysche Flagge

The long road to peace and democracy in Libya

Reality Check: Elections in Libya and veteran press freedom hero Raymond Louw.


Was Fukushima a man-made disaster?

Reality Check: Japan's parliament reports on Fukushima errors; Nicaragua's answer to the Panama Canal


A new boson, but is it really the Higgs?

Reality Check: The 'discovery' of what could be the Higgs boson; Poland grants amnesty to hundreds of migrants.


Still No End in Sight

Reality Check: Michael Lüders on Syria and the cultural treasure at risk in Timbuktu.


Mexico's old ruling party set to return to power

Reality Check: Mexico's Election and Kosovo's Independence


The Euro crisis could threaten democracy

Reality Check: EU summit, new directive on the music market, Supreme Court rules on Obamacare, Barclays Bank fined for rate fixing, anthropology of football.

Schild Occupy Sydney

Organising the 99 per cent

A Saturday Reality Check with David Graeber - anthropologist, activist and anarchist - who’s been described as the "Anti-leader of Occupy Wall Street".

Schuhe von Barbie

Pretty in Pink

Feminism - the unfinished revolution. A Saturday Reality Check Special.

Ratko Mladic

The Butcher of the Balkans

Reality Check: Mladic on trial; MSF secretly in Syria; Iranian Rapper in Germany facing death threats

nine year old Liberian child soldier

A Landmark Day for International Justice

Reality Check: He once allegedly offered supermodel Naomi Campbell a fist full of diamonds - now Charles Taylor faces sentencing at the end of a 5 year war crimes trial

Schild mit Aufschrift: End the Murdoch Mafia

Media Moguls, Tunnels and the Popularity of Fairtrade

Reality Check: Rupert Murdoch; Tymoshenko on hunger strike; Semmering rail tunnel; welfare states in the developing world and Austrian enthusiasm for Fairtrade products.

Nicolas Sarkozy

Vive L'Election!

It looks like the election watchdog in France has found a way to stop Twitter, Facebook and other social networks breaking the embargo on the announcement of the results of Sunday’s presidential election.

Former Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser at a press conference in 2011. Photo: Roland Schlager/APA

BUWOG, Breivik, World Bank & New Media

Reality Check: Grasser and the Money; Breivik analysed; Jim Yong Kim and his new job; Christian Payne and New Media

Attentäter Breivik

Criminally Insane or Not?

Reality Check: Breivik trial starts; Pirate Parties International; who are the UN observers in Syria? German professionals turn to the priesthood.

Demonstration in Spanien

Reality Check: Strikes, BRICS and the Law

Strikes in Spain; BRICS countries meet in New Delhi; criminal procedure law; healthcare and the US constitution; Afghan law and women's rights.


France on Alert after School Shooting

Reality Check: Reaction in France to the Toulouse shootings; should there be a code of conduct for politicians? and an interview with author William Boyd.

Schild mit Totenkopf und "Minen/Mines"-Aufschrift

Landmines and the Arms Trade

Reality Check: landmines in Bosnia; international arms transfers; war crimes claims in Sri Lanka; and don't forget the environment!

Beatrix Karl, Justizministerin

Karl's Cat Among the Pigeons

Reality Check: criminal procedure controversy; botched hostage mission in Nigeria; a sigh of relief in Greece; Slovakia's elections; opposition to wind farms in Scotland.

Nordkoreanisches Militär

Winds of Change?

Reality Check: Progress in North Korea? A United States of Europe? Plus investigating the greedy rich and how to successfully memorise.

Storys von Joanna Bostock