Radio FM4
Reading between the headlines.
Reality Check: Gender imbalance on EU company boards; Russian treason laws; Roma memorial in Berlin; Qatar and Gaza; Terrorism and the Internet
Reality Check Special: David Kriegleder highlights some aspects of Mexican life and society which we don't often hear about.
Reality Check: Stronach presents his new party, but how much will it change the Austrian political landscape? Romney's campaign; Greek woes continue; "See you soon again" film.
Reality Check: extra troops leave Afghanistan; France & Mohammed Cartoons; GM crops; Ig Nobel Awards.
Reality Check: Higgs Boson research; how to reform parliamentary enquiries; Romney’s debacle; Italian extraordinary rendition verdict.
Tony Cheng reports from the Turkish/Syrian frontier; Romney’s political clangers; U-Ausschuss uncertainty
Reality Check visits a day care centre for Roma children in Periam, Romania. Tune in to Reality Check on Saturday (12-13)!
Reality Check: Greenpeace Executive Director takes to the seas; ÖVP and SPÖ agree on military service referendum.
Moscow and global trade rules; US Republicans in trouble after controversial rape remarks by Todd Akin.
Reality Check: London 2012; the Arms Trade Treaty
Reality Check: Carinthian politics under the spotlight; visiting a shrinking glacier.
Reality Check: Military intervention in Syria now much more likely, according to UK think tank report.
Reality Check: the connection between Syria and Iraq; pioneering astronaut Sally Ride.
Reality Check: UNHCR on the situation for Syrian refugees; Aurora shooting and American gun laws
Reality Check: Syrian rebels seize border crossings; Mitt Romney's tax secrets; Democracy in Latin America
Reality Check: is it the beginning of the end for Assad? Assessing the terror threat after a bomb attack in Bulgaria.
Reality Check: Military mentor to North Korean leader dismissed; the usefulness of the African Union
Reality Check: the LIBOR rate-manipulating scandal; DIGG sold for a song; Boats for People demo
Reality Check: Syrian Ambassador deserts Assad; Jewish & Muslim groups join forces to denounce German circumcision ruling.
Reality Check: Conservative MPs reject parliamentary reforms in GB; recovering hidden Arab Uprising assets