Standort: / Autorenbereich von Joanna Bostock

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.

Eurovision Songcontestfans feiern Sieg in Aserbaidschan

Eurovision discord over human rights

Reality Check: Allegations of human rights abuses by Eurovision Song contest hosts; Kofi Annan appointed Syria envoy; Irish Catholics and their God.

Somalische Kinder

Painfully Poor and Alarmingly Violent

Reality Check: London conference on helping Somalia; Mubarak trial wraps up; journalists killed in Syria; Harvesting solar power in space.

Telekom Logo vor Fassade

Emails, candidates and legalising drugs

Reality Check: The Telekom emails; Sparpaket and the young generation; Greece; Sarkozy's candidacy; Guatemala's president proposes legalising drugs.


A future worth choosing?

Reality Check: the title of a UN report on sustainability seems also to apply to Egypt, Afghanistan and planned new laws on police powers in Austria.


State of the Union

Reality Check: Obama's speech; Kosovo's "Self-determination" movement; new EU laws on data protection; Fracking in the Weinviertel

Mitt Romney

Republicans, Transitions and Actions

Reality Check: the Republican presidential campaign; environmental concerns after cruise shipwreck; Libya’s transition; campaign against racism; young winter athletes under pressure.

David Rohde

The Face and Voice of a Hero

Reality Check: World Press Freedom Hero David Rohde; Political turmoil in Pakistan; stolen nuclear material in Egypt; Brits' lack of solidarity and "Risflection"


The Making of a Global President

A Saturday Reality Check Special exploring the people and places which influenced Barack Obama as he was growing up and shaped the man who Americans chose to be the first black president of the United States.


Scotland the brave?

Reality Check: Scottish independence, opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim acquitted in Malaysia, South Sudan humanitarian crisis, US Republican Primaries.


Tension in Tahrir, Mistrust in Morocco

Reality Check today: protests continue in Egypt; elections in Morocco; Supermarkets coming to India; Hungary debt downgraded to "junk".

Ali Abdullah Saleh

Another one bites the dust...

Reality Check today: Yemen's president resigns, Syrian protests, Slovakian press freedom, effectiveness of aid and politics of winter clothing.

Bildungsvolksbegehren Wahlzettel

"Kaum Gründe, die Dinge zu belassen, wie sie sind."

383.820 Unterschriften erreichte das gestern zu Ende gegangene Bildungsvolksbegehren. Der Bildungsexperte Michael Tölle über das Ergebnis und seine Einschätzung der Folgen.


The Human Cost of Gold

For months the price of gold has been on the rise, but all that is gold does not glitter. Reality Check takes a look at the lives and livelihoods of gold miners.


The Death of a Dictator

Reality Check: Libya after the death of Moammar Gadhafi; Floods in Bangkok; the new Rainbow Warrior ship and Icelandic author Hallgrimur Helgason

Müllberg in Athen

Greek Chaos and Austrian Stability

Reality Check: a growing health hazard in Greece amid more strikes; Finance Minister Fekter presents her first budget; tension as Turkey goes after Kurdish rebels in Iraq


Freedom and Frustration

Reality Check: Hamas frees Gilad Shalit; Austria set for new study fees debate; an interview with Guy Standing, author of "The Precariat: the New Dangerous Class".

Demonstration in Spanien, viele spanische Flaggen

Separatists, Socialists and Superpowers

Reality Check: attempts to end ETA violence; Hollande to take on Sarkozy for the French presidency; who is Herman Cain, and is America still a superower?

Rollstuhl, Beine der darin sitzenden Person

Ordinary Superheroes in Eastern Europe

Today's Reality Check Special: in a region which has yet to fully shake off the legacy of communism and conflict, ordinary people with simple but innovative ideas are affecting extraordinary change.

World Trade Center nach den Anschlägen am 11. September


Ten Years On.

Salva Kiir

A country is born

The 9th of July is to the people of southern Sudan what the 4th of July is to Americans – Independence Day.

Storys von Joanna Bostock