Standort: / Meldung: "Today's Webtip: Storytelling"

Dave Dempsey

Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.

21. 2. 2017 - 13:28

Today's Webtip: Storytelling

Pixar and Khan Academy want to teach it to you.

I've got a thing about storytelling.

I guess that's just a part of being human since it seems like telling each other stories is a pretty big part of what we do. But I am also fascinated by the mechanics of it. The craft.

And I absolutely love talking to other people about it. Sometimes I even get to do workshops encouraging others to tell their stories. It is surprisingly satisfying.

Teaching is a very special type of storytelling. One that can have a huge impact on peoples lives if they are lucky to come across the right situation. Salman Khan is one of those people who has created the right situation for a lot of people.

His original math videos were so brilliant because he understood not only how to break down the information he was trying to teach, but he also understood how to communicate it in a clear and engaging manner. He could tell a very good story.

And now Khan Academy has started teaching how to tell stories. With a little help from another company that has managed to collect some of the worlds greatest storytellers.


Their Pixar in a Box series (yes it was a webtip already) has recently published a new lesson series taking us through the story telling process.

Don't be put off by the emphasis on film. Storytelling is storytelling, no matter what medium you choose.