Standort: / Meldung: "Today's Webtip: 4chan"

Dave Dempsey

Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.

20. 2. 2017 - 12:17

Today's Webtip: 4chan

Trolling elections for the lulz.

Remember when Pepe the Frog hit the headlines?

It's always been fun to watch journalists try to wrap their heads around memes, but being confronted with the Democratic presidential candidate having to do it was one mom the more WTF moments of a very WTF year.

Dale Beran

But how did it get to that point? That is one of the aspects of the story that no one really addressed. And to be fair, anyone who hadn't been in some kind of continuous contact with a certain site would't be able to connect all of the dots.

Well, most of the dots.

But now, someone has. The webcomic writer and artist Dale Beran took some time to use his long experience with image boards to take a slightly different look at the way things have developed. He has some pretty decent incite to offer, and the comments manage to throw in a few things he might have missed.

4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump