Erstellt am: 13. 2. 2017 - 14:27 Uhr
Today's Webtip: Privacy
Planning on visiting the U.S. anytime soon?
If so you might want to be prepared to have your phone searched. I know that sounds a bit alarmist, but the current administration is taking some policies developed by proviso administrations and turning the dial to 11.
Stories have been coming in of visitors and U.S. citizens who have been asked to give up their social media and phone passwords in order to enter (or re-enter) the States. It's a pretty invasive policy that has received a lot of criticism, but that isn't the kind of discussion you want to get into while trying to make a flight connection or just wanting to get to your destination. Because U.S. border agents can be pretty disagreeable when they want to be.
The EFF has been covering this for quite some time, but now other media and journalists themselves are beginning to become aware of the situation.
A Guide to Getting Past Customs With Your Digital Privacy Intact
Is the wired article that gives a basic rundown. But it is worth it to read the boing boing article that leads to it, because it includes more background as well as some information that might be better.
How to legally cross a US - or other - border without surrendering your data and passwords
And Techsolidarity has a fairly decent guide for journalists and activists, but it too needs to be read in combination with some other comments.
Basic security precautions for non-profits and journalists in the United States, early 2017
The comment thread at hacker news expands and corrects some of that info